Naming you

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Of course that everyone was beyond annoyed, Riddle especially. How could a bunch of students take care of a baby ?! A girl on top of everything!

You couldn't understand what he was saying, but his slightly red face looked identical to the strange food Trey kept on trying to feed you with.

"Does the baby have an upset stomach ?" Deuce asked, seeing you push away the spoon Trey tried to give to you. All he did was sigh.
"Dude..isn't it weird to refer to her as 'the baby' ?" Ace asked, looking at the people in the messy kitchen.
"Are you saying that we should name her ?" the brunette said, only to get a confirmation nod. "Um...does anyone have any girl names in mind ?" He then continued, showing that he has no idea.
"Getting attached to her wouldn't be good." Riddle stated.
"Oh come on Riddle, she is going to stay with us for quite a while, she deserves a name." Trey tried to calm the perfect with his words, but all Riddle did was just look away...and mutter a fine.
"What about Junior ?" Ace said what he thought was a good idea, but you yourself didn't like it. You showed him your tongue and started to move your little hands and legs, as if you were protesting, in the small baby chair.
"Ok, ok, i get it! You don't need to shove it in my face..." he admitted defeat.
"What about (Y/n) ?" Cater asked, with his phone in his hands, as always.
You started laughing, that name seemed fitting, it had a strange touch to it which you really liked.
"...that's a good name, she seems to like it too..." a soft voice spoke, surprisingly, that voice came from Riddle. He couldn't not like you, after all he went through he just couldn't stand it.
"How did you think of it ?" Trey asked, still a little surprised, he knew that Cater was quiet creative but...
"This is the name of my favourite Magikam Star~" he replied.

Of course that it was something like this.
"What matters is that she like sit, right (Y/n) ?" The 3rd year then continued, making his voice sound sweeter when pronouncing your name and tickling your tummy, making you giggle.


Jack was carefully holding you, since you enjoyed the view from above, Ruggie was using his skilled hands to play with you, by making you try to catch them. He sometimes gave in, just sometimes.

"Shishihsi, Leona, you should try playing with her too, she makes a really cute face when she laughs!" He called Leona, but all the man did was turn his back at Ruggie, literally, since he was trying to sleep.
"We should call her some way..." Jack thought out loud while trying to get Leona's wallet out of your mouth.

"Smiley ? Chubby ?" Ruggie suggested, but both you and Jack had the same expression on your faces: no.
"Will ? Ben ?" Jack then said, raising you, but you nod in disagreement.

Leona had had enough. He got up from where he was laying.
"(Y/n)." He said, making the two other students turn their heads at him. You started clapping your hands when you heard the name. And while he was leaving the room you grabbed his leg, trying to make him stay.
"(Y/n) seems to really like you Leona!" Ruggie laughed as the prefect was trying to get you off him.


Truth be told, everyone was against you staying, but after giving it a thought, they decided it might've been a good thing. Floyd wanted to play with you, Jade wanted to teach you everything he knew about mushrooms and Azul wanted you to become a possible-heir, in case of anything.

"We do have to give her a name." Jade said, picking you up before you tried to bite Floyd's foot.
"I like calling her Seahorse, can't we keep that name~" but nobody really agreed with the twin's idea.
"What about Pleuro then ?" Jade suggested, the name sounded strange, so strange that even you made a confused face.
"Jade~~You can't just try to give her a mushroom name~" Floyd clarified the situation, all the vice-perfect did was chuckle, as his plans have been discovered.

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