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[Header image of Celaena with contacts]

The days turned into a week, and Celaena wasn't any closer to finding out anything about what had happened with her family. She had managed to settle into a good routine, her body was almost used to daytime, and a little golden glow was starting to show on her cheeks and hands as well as her legs, the only parts of her body that were seeing the light of day.

She was making up a plan to sneak into the top floor, where Dorian's father's penthouse was, when she heard the front door of her suite creaking open. She stood up slowly and moved over to the wall, pressing her body behind her bedroom door, waiting. She listened to the light steps on the hallway getting closer, and her legs flexed a bit without even thinking about it. She had no weapons in hand, but she didn't need any. She waited, crouching, listening.

As soon as the steps were on the threshold, they stopped, and Celaena could see the shadow of a man lurking, looking around the room, probably surprised to see it empty. Had Arobynn sent someone to check on her? Or had anybody found out about her? She didn't have time to think about it because the figure jumped into the room, closing the door behind him in a quick motion and leaving her without cover.

"Gotcha!" A known voice yelled, and Celaena's fist stopped mid-air as a palm collided against it.

"For fuck sake, Cortland!" she screamed. "What the fuck are you doing here? And why would you sneak up on me like that?" She took a step back, looking at Sam up and down and frowning as he let go of her fist.

"For fun?"

Celaena pressed her palms against her face, not able to believe this intrusion to her privacy. Once the shock was gone, she walked over to her bed and dropped into it again, resuming her relaxed position from only a minute ago.

"So, are you going to explain what brings you here?" She asked, nonchalant, as Sam still stood by the door.

"Thought I'd check on you. We've been in school for two weeks already, you made it into the cheer squad and you start training on Monday, I'm just wondering what you're going to do about..." Sam looked lost for words and looked down, red coloring his cheeks.

"Are you worrying about me wearing the uniform? Why don't you mind your own fucking business, Cortland?!" She said outraged, standing up and walking right past him and out of the room. Sam trailed behind her, and she could almost feel the apology stuck in his throat.

"Sorry," he said once Celaena reached the minibar and pulled out a can of cream soda.

"Why are you even here? What if anybody saw you coming in? Dorian could be around-"

"Do you think I'm that stupid?" Sam cut in. "No one saw me, I can get in and out of this building without a single pair of eyes catching sight of me, and you more than anyone should know that!" He almost growled at her.

They were standing right in front of each other now, anger burning their skins and flushing their cheeks. It was a stand-off, one that Celaena didn't plan on losing.

"I don't need your help," she said for what felt like the millionth time.

"You can't always do everything on your own, Celaena," Sam said, his voice turning softer as he said her name and took a step back. He turned his back on her, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry for what happened that day, I could never apologize, you keep shutting me out, and I... I was only trying to help-"

"Out!" Celaena growled. "Get out of here before I rip your throat out." Tears were threatening to come out, burning behind her eyes.

Sam turned around slowly and looked at her with such sadness in his eyes, that she almost broke.

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