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[Header image is a little bit of a sickish looking Aelin, contacts not on yet]

Sunday was a blurred mix of images in Celaena's mind, and she wasn't sure what had been real, and what had been a dream. Waking up in a stranger's room, she started piecing all the bits of information together, trying to collect as many facts as she could about her situation.

She got up from the bed and had a drink of water from the bedside table. There were a couple of blisters with painkillers, and she decided to take just one more to blur the pain and help her focus. She was done with feeling weak and useless. Her phone was also on the night table, connected to a charger on the wall that wasn't her own; she was surprised to find it there as she couldn't remember asking for one.

Looking down at herself, she laughed; she was wearing a pair of male pajama pants with drawings of dinosaurs in all colors and shapes. After checking her phone, she started rushing around and picking up the few belongings that were scattered around the room, and throwing them back into her duffle bag. If she wanted to make it in time to go to school, she'd have to go back to the hotel to get her uniform, shower, get changed, and apply a ton of makeup. Probably too much makeup. Time was barely on her side.

She looked around the room until she finally found a small mirror on the inside of the closet's door. She looked pale, and the cut on her brow was still swollen, the skin around it was a mixture of green, yellow and purple. She rolled her sore shoulders and then lifted her top to look at the long cut on top of her hip bone; the skin around it felt a little tight, but the redness had almost disappeared and the stitches looked good.

As she heard voices outside the room, she hurried to her bag, grabbed her contacts, and put them on using the small mirror again. Her eyes were still sore from wearing the contacts for way longer than she was supposed to and sleeping with them the night before, but she added some eye drops and hoped it'd do for the moment. She barely remembered taking them off on Sunday and hoped she hadn't been stupid enough to let any of the guys see her eyes.

Not like they could make anything out of it anyway.

A knock sounded at her door, and it slid open slowly almost as soon as she reached the handle.

"You're up early," Fenrys said, sounding surprised.

"Yes, I'm feeling way better."

"You're leaving," he said as his eyes darted around the room and focused on her bag. It wasn't a question, but she answered anyway.

"I am, I need to head to school." She bit her tongue as soon as the words were out of her mouth. The pain was certainly still messing with her mind, she normally wouldn't have been so stupid to let such a big piece of information slip out of her mouth.

Fenrys' eyes didn't give much away, but his smirk did. "School, huh? Why don't you join us for breakfast before you go? Connall's making eggs, and he's a fine cook."

"I don't really have time for-"

"I insist," Fenrys hooked an arm around her and ushered her out of the room. "What kind of host would I be if I didn't feed you, right? You haven't eaten pretty much anything in two days, you need your strength back." He might have noticed her body going tense at the contact because he let go of her almost as fast as he had grabbed her. "Please?" He added with pleading eyes.

Begrudgingly, she walked with him down the hall and towards the kitchen. It was probably a good idea to gather some information on these people before leaving anyway, and she was famished.

The open plan lounge was small but practical. To her left, there was a couch in front of a small TV that had some blankets and a pillow on top, and two small armchairs. And to the right, a small kitchen and a table with four chairs around it. Connall was cooking on the stove, his back to them, and he barely looked over his shoulder as they walked into the room.

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