Testosterone for days

200 12 14

[Header image is Ilias Mesterson]

Note: All last names that weren't mentioned in the story are made up by myself.

The stars were flickering in the moonless sky as the group of friends lied sprawled on the grass, empty cans of soda littering the space and loose papers and notebooks long forgotten on the table only a few steps away.

"What a beautiful night," Thea said, her head resting on Kaya's lap.

Sam glanced at his watch and got his phone out of the pocket of his black jeans. Celaena hadn't texted all night, and he knew there was no point expecting her to, but she could at least reply to his texts. He typed another quick message wondering how the fight had ended and put the phone away.

Lysandra's voice raised over the chit-chat that had taken over her backyard, always so commanding but caring.

"Should I order some more pizzas? Is anybody still hungry?"

Everybody laughed almost in unison, telling her there was no way they could fit another single bite. She had fed them all kinds of snacks during the early afternoon, and had ordered enough pizzas to feed the whole football team afterward.

"Okay, okay," Lys laughed with them. "I'll go fetch some more drinks then."

"Don't," Sam stood up from his spot on the grass next to her. "I'll do it this time." He needed to move, to get a little distraction to stop worrying about Celaena. He knew worrying was pointless, but he couldn't help it.

"I'll help you." Aedion stood up from Lysandra's other side and followed him into the house through the double glass doors.

They walked through the kitchen in silence, and Sam opened the fridge and started getting cans out, and passing them over to the team captain standing behind him. Once he thought they had enough, Sam closed the fridge's door and turned around to find Aedion staring at him.

"Did I miss anything? Do you want more cream soda?"

"Em, no, it's okay. Just wondering if you're okay. I know it's none of my concern, but you seem a bit... off tonight." Aedion was shifting his weight from one foot to the other, his arms full of rattling cans of soda.

Sam wished he could tell him the truth, but that was impossible. "I'm alright," he said instead.

"You know, you can-" Whatever Aedion was about to say got interrupted as Ren Allsbrook walked into the kitchen from the front, as if entering his own house. There was a huge smile on his face as he greeted them.

"Hey, lads! Oh, cream soda!" The principal's son grabbed a can out of Aedion's arms and cracked it open as the rest of the team filled in through the hallway.

"What are you all doing here?" The captain asked while all the cans disappeared from his arms one by one.

"We knew you'd be here, and enough party organizing, it's actual party time!" Ren patted Aedion on the back and headed towards the half-empty box with cold pizza sitting next to the fridge.

He jumped up and sat on the counter, a slice of pizza in one hand, and the soda in the other.

"Hi Sam, when are you officially joining the team?" Ress Brulleman bumped his fist and took a seat next to Ren.

"I'm not really into playing sports," he lied. "I'd rather watch them."

"Cheeky bugger, he likes watching the cheerleaders from the sidelines, right?" Ben hooked an arm over Sam's shoulders casually, as if they'd been friends for their whole lives. "I'd do the same if I didn't have to play."

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