Shifting tides

333 13 27

NOTE: I'm SO incredibly sorry that it took this long to update! I'll do my best never to take this long again! 

I've had way more work than usual lately, so my brain has been unable to process this story.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and will do my best to have the next one finished asap!

TW: Lots of curse words as usual, but I think that's it :) A tiny bit of physical violence, because Celaena n_n haha


The morning light was sneaking in through the blinds and everything was quiet, but something felt out of place. As Celaena half-opened her eyes, she became conscious of the warm body next to her and the arm wrapped across her waist. She wasn't in her hotel room. Her mind still half in the realms of slumber, she opened her eyes fully and turned around in one quick motion, pinning the person next to her against the mattress. As she took in the expression in Rowan's face —her forearm pressed against his throat— reality and the memories from the night before quickly poured back into her brain. He blinked at her slowly, and half his lips turned up into a smirk.

"Was I snoring?" he joked. Celaena melted down onto him, her tired and sleepy body resting on top of his warm chest, her face buried in the crook of his neck. It felt so natural to lie there, while it also felt so foreign.

"So not used to having someone in my bed," she mumbled against his skin as a way of apology.

"Oh, so it's your bed now?" Rowan's morning voice was rough and deep, and it stirred something in Celaena's gut. She could picture him lifting his brows, the smirk deepening.

The night before had been perfect if such a thing existed. The broody security guard, who was now lovingly stroking her hair, had proved to be soft and gentle, caring and respectful... but also all the kinds of hot and passionate that Celaena hadn't known she needed in her life.

"You know what I meant."

"I do," he said softly, his fingers now trailing down her spine.

Pulling away, she sat up and looked at Rowan's messy hair as he rubbed his eyes. He had an endearing kind of morning glow that made her want to pin him to the bed again, but for completely different reasons than before.

Looking away to the window, reality dawned on her: she couldn't, it was time for her to go. She had a busy day ahead if she was to get to that night's fight with a fresh mind. And she wanted to contact Manon before that and find out if there was any new information on Maeve and the fights. The tournament was almost over, her birthday only a week away, and she wanted things to be over. She needed to figure out her last play. She needed to win and reclaim everything that had been taken away from her. And she had no reason to be at the apartment anymore.

Why was she stalling then?

"Breakfast?" Rowan wondered, oblivious to the turmoil in the back of Celaena's head.

The fighter was breaking too many of her own rules of no-involvement, but she wasn't sure she could back down either. She was playing with fire, but she was already burned. Before she could come up with an answer, her stomach grumbled in response.

"Okay," she agreed, "but something quick. I have a lot to do today."


"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not five years old," she punched him in the shoulder, and Rowan laughed, making the bed vibrate with the sound. It was one of the few times Celaena had seen him so relaxed, so happy, if not the only one. She couldn't help but smile in return.

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