Finding clues

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[Header image of Arobynn Hamel]

Note: I'm so sorry I completely forgot to update this yesterday!!! I got too excited changing the cover from my story "Across the Globe" and uploading a book of short stories in that universe, and I didn't realize I never uploaded this chapter T_T Good news is, if I don't forget again, this means you'll have a chapter today, and another tomorrow! Yay! Haha


Parking the motorbike around the back, Celaena jumped down and straightened her jacket. She had such mixed feelings about what had happened the day before. One part of her had almost enjoyed watching Sam get beaten up, as she was still angry with him for showing up in the hotel as he did on Saturday. But soon after the second punch, it had been so hard not to jump in and beat the shit out of that Rourke guy. She knew Sam could have beaten him up into a pulp, but that would have drawn unwanted attention. She could have done the same, but it wasn't a smart option.

She had been angry at Sam, but no amount of anger was an excuse for the way that guy had beaten him up. She almost felt sorry for him now, and couldn't stop thinking about why Sam hadn't even attempted to defend himself. He could have deflected a punch or two, and it would have seemed more natural than him not doing anything at all.

As she exited the lift onto the third floor of the hospital, she released her breath loudly. He was going to hear a piece of her mind, Sam had been so stupid, and now the competition was probably endangered too. Arobynn had been furious when Celaena had gone to the mansion the night before and explained why Sam wouldn't be there that night. He had tried to play it cool, but Celaena knew Arobynn was having second thoughts about the whole school situation.

She needed answers, and she needed them fast. She had looked through Dorian's computer files not finding anything relevant; so she had decided she needed to get inside Aedion's house as well as the penthouse of the hotel. Maybe her uncle's computer or office would hold better answers. She wouldn't dare go to the company, not just yet; not unless she really had to.

As she got to the door of room 303, Celaena stopped in her tracks as she heard voices inside. Had Arobynn changed his mind and gone to see Sam? She didn't think he would, he had said Sam could find his way back to the house on his own once he was dismissed.

"You're so funny, Sam," she heard a feminine voice say sarcastically. She stood right by the side of the door, eavesdropping casually while trying not to get the attention of the few people walking past. She took her phone out for extra measure and pretended to text someone.

"Honestly, I don't know why you worry so much about it, I'm sure it will be fine," Sam was saying.

"I don't know, I'm just not sure about any of it anymore." Celaena knew she had heard that voice before. She squeezed her brain for an answer, trying to think about anybody that would visit Sam. It wasn't like either of them was acquainted with many people. There were only those in the guild, which were mostly all males, and the few girls that had come and gone from the house, training with Arobynn sporadically. But they didn't have a close relationship with any of them.

"Lys, trust me, everything will work itself out."

"Lysandra?" Celaena muttered under her breath. She couldn't contain her curiosity any longer, so she peeked through the door, pushing it open only an inch.

Sam was lying on the hospital bed, a bandage on his eyebrow, his lip swollen, and one of his arms resting on top of his abdomen on a sling. And there she was, sitting next to him and resting her hand on Sam's forearm: Lysandra Caraverre.

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