Chapter six

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George carried some of the beach things as he followed Dream on the hot sand. They laid out a towel and an umbrella to lay under. George didn't know it but Clay had heard what he had said back at the house under his breath. It hurt him that George would think Clay would lie to him. It hurt him even more that George thought so lowly of himself. In Clay's opinion George was hot. Most people went for a tan and blonde hair with blue eyes, Clay thought it was a fake way to look. He personally thought that George's pale skin and dark hair was nearly irresistible. It took a lot of self control for Dream not to run his hands through George's hair anytime he got the chance to.
          Then he realized he had been staring at George and quickly looked out at the water. "Do you wanna swim?" He looked at George and saw that he looked nervous. "We don't have to if you don't want to." George looked at Dream and then scratched the back of his neck, "no it's not that I don't want to it just that I don't know how to swim." Dream smiled "I can teach you if you want?" George thought about it for a minute "promise not to let me drown?" Dream acted offended "I would never!" George slowly nodded "ok then sure I guess." Dream stood up and pulled off his shirt, he set it on the center of his towel so the sand wouldn't get on his shirt.
          George saw Dream take off his shirt like he was totally comfortable about it, but George was nervous. He looked around and saw that they're was only one family on the beach far to the left of him. He looked at Dream. Dream wouldn't judge him. But what i- he stopped himself, Dream- no Clay, wasn't that kind of person. George stood up and pulled off his shirt the warm sun against his skin made him feel nice. Dream grabbed his hand and before George knew it they were knees deep in the blue salty water.
          Clay looked at George and saw that he had his other arm around his stomach, it made him sad that George felt uncomfortable around him, he would have to do something about it later. "Ok ready to learn." George looked at Dream "yeah, please don't kill me." Dream smiled and took George's hand leading him deeper into the water. Once they were about waist deep, or once George was waist deep Dream sat down, the water reached his shoulders. He nodded for George to sit down and slowly he did. The water went a bit below his chin.
          George tried to ignore that a wave could potentially drown him and focused on what Dream was saying. "Before we actually try to swim I need for you to be comfortable in the water. Just sit ok? The waves aren't high enough to go over your head I promise." George nodded, the water scared him. Dream dunked under the water and then came back up. He shook the water from his hair and looked back at George. "Can you try that?" George thought about it, all he had to do was go under then back up, that's it. He took a deep breath and went under the water but once he went under he forgot there wasn't air and tried to exhale.
          Clay felt George's hand shake and he pulled him back up George started coughing and he kneeled onto his knees. He was coughing so hard that he was almost crying. He felt the cold water against his skin and he felt alone. That was until he suddenly felt a warmth all the way around him. He opened his eyes and knew that Dream was hugging him. He was still coughing but not as bad, and he felt safe with Dream there. He heard Dream mumbling into his shoulder, "I shouldn't have gone so fast." George felt bad, all Dream had tried to do was teach George something and now he had to go and make him feel bad about it. "No it's ok I just panicked that's all."
         Dream nodded "I think that's enough water practice for today." George agreed and they left for their spot on the hot sand. They dried off, redressed, and picked up their things. Once everything was loaded into Dreams truck they were sitting inside George faced Dream again, "can we get some food?" Dream nodded and turned the truck engine on, and they left to find somewhere to eat.

779 words today, I really am trying

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