Chapter seven

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George set his food down on the table and turned to Dream, "I'll be right back, I'm gonna change." Dream nodded and George left up the stairs. He got to his bathroom and pulled off his shirt, a terrible sunburn, that's what the pale boy got. He changed his shorts and put on a loose tshirt. then he left to go back to the table where Dream was waiting, in dry clothes. George sat down in his chair and went to lean but but the contact on the sunburn made him wince and sit back up. Dream saw it.
          "Sunburn?" George nodded. "I have some stuff that you can put on it once you eat and shower." George nodded and began to eat his food.

          Dream heard the shower shut off and knew George would be downstairs in the living room soon. Dream walked to the kitchen and got a bottle of cold aloe for George, it was gonna help the pain in his sunburn. George came downstairs without a shirt on, making Dreams face red. George walked into the kitchen and looked at the bottle in Dreams hand. "So what do you do with that stuff?"  Dream handed him the bottle. "Just put it on the burn." George nodded and Dream walked to the sink to do the sitting dishes.
          George got the aloe on most of the burns he could reach, but he couldn't get his back, that's where the burn was worst. "Dream can you get my back when you're done?" Dream nodded, "sure." A moment later Dream was done with the dishes and dried his hands. George handed him the bottle and turned around, Dream could tell where the aloe wasn't on his back. He got some of the cold jello like substance and rubbed it in between his hands. He then realized that this would be hard to do with George standing.
          Dream told George to lay down on the couch so he did and Dream stood to his side. "Ready?" George nodded. He put the side of his hand in his mouth incase it burned but it did quite the opposite. The cold against his burning skin felt amazing and the feeling of Dreams hands on his back made it even better. "Damn that feels good." He heard a nervous laugh and then realized he said that out loud. "My bad...meant to keep that to myself." Dream laughed a little bit, "nice to know I'm good with my hands." George felt his face heat up and he put his head down, "Dream whyyyy?" He heard him laugh again and couldn't help but smile himself to.
          Dream finished a moment later and got up to wash his hands and put the aloe back in the fridge. George went upstairs to put a loose shirt on and turned to see Dream at his door. It startled him a bit but he smiled at Dream "need something?" Dream smiled back "actually I do." George sat on his bed and faced Dream. "What's up?" Dream came and sat by George, he seemed nervous it made George curious. But he was taken aback by the question thrown at him. "George are you insecure....?" George looked at the ground and felt his arms instinctively wrap around his own stomach. "Yeah."
          He heard Dream sigh, "why?" George knew he was insecure and knew he needed to tell someone but nobody had ever been there to listen. But now Clay was here to listen. "I-...I hate how short I am, and how I'm lanky. I hate that I have such pale skin and how easily I bruise and burn. I hate my hair and the color of my eyes. I hate it all." He still hadn't looked at Dream, but he felt an arm go around his waist. "I hope you know those things aren't true. I don't think you're short, you're average and most people are oddly tall anyway. You arent lanky, just not muscular it's a healthy balance in the middle. I think that your pale skin and dark hair contrast each other and it makes you look unique. And your eyes, they're a genuine color that shows friendliness but they can hold you in the grip of a bear at the same time."
          George had never heard anyone say things like this before. He could hear the sincerity in Dreams voice and if made him want to cry that someone cared. George was so lucky to have Dream. "I'm sorry." George's voice cracked on 'sorry' as tears started to fall down his cheeks. "Why?" George breathed in deeply trying to hide that he was crying, "I just cause more sadness and it ruins your mood. And I make things difficult without knowing how to simplify them. Lastly I depend on you and that puts so much pressure on you, I hate that I do that."
          Dream sighed "there is no pressure on me when I'm helping you, it helps you and you being happy puts me in a better mood. And it's funny when you make things difficult for yourself because you get aggravated trying to put things back together." George finnaly looked up and Dreams eyes met his. It wasn't long before Dream saw his tears and wiped them with his hand, he didn't say anything but he just held George closer to him. It wasn't long before George fell asleep in the safe feeling of Dreams arms and they ended up sleeping in George's bed, happy to be entwined with one another.

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