I never said that

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(Yay this is the part where the cover photo comes into the story...... yay)

George hadn't meant to, but he fell asleep after talking to SapNap for a bit. He was starting to slowly open his eyes and realized, that he was on the couch. He slowly stood up, realizing that he wasn't tired anymore and wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. He just sighed in defeat and went to the kitchen. Once he got there he drank some water, not really wanting to eat right now. As he drank the water, he realized how it actually wasn't silent. There was a humming coming from upstairs. 

He set down his cup and slowly started to walk upstairs. He saw that Clay's door was open, and thats where the noise was coming from. He knew to be quiet and peaked in the crack between the door and it's frame. In the room Dream was sitting on the bed, he had....a guitar across his lap. A notebook in his hands as he scribbled something down. George thought about how he could also play an instrument, the piano. He had taken lessons when he was little and apart from it being a stress distraction, knowing that he could make sounds so pretty at the tips of his fingers made him happy. 

He was snapped back into the moment when Clay started to strum the strings of the guitar. It wasn't hooked onto an amp so the sound was more quiet, but George could hear it just fine. Dream had his eyes closed as he played the notes, and he hummed. Slowly he started to mumble some words and had looked down to watch as his hands played the music. 

"Oh if only you loved me,  oh if only you could see what I see, your beautiful and nice and sweet, and I wish you were mine to keep

"But I know I'll wake up soon, for I'm just fast asleep, and in this world what I want is in front of me, thats why I'm sad to say it was just a dream

"I'll be happy to see you tomorrow, see your beauty and I'll treat you sweet, and when I lay deep in my pool of sorrow, I'll soon fall asleep and be happily, back in my dream, even if whats there, still will never be mine to keep"

George couldn't help but gasp as the short song slowly finished, "wow." he hadn't meant to say that. All he could do was freeze when Dream's gaze quickly flickered up and locked eyes with his own. "Hello George." George slowly opened the door but kept his eyes away from Dream's, he was embarrassed. It was silent for a moment, before Dream stood up. "I'll be back." Then he left George there. Once Dream let George let out a breath he had been keeping, without knowing. He walked over to the bed and looked at Dream's guitar. 

The guitar itself was white, with a black neck and interesting stickers along it's sides. The shoulder strap was rainbow, you could tell the item as a whole, was very loved, and very taken care of. George was still admiring the instrument when Dream came back into the room. "Ok, how much did you hear?" George still looked at the guitar, but he knew he couldn't get away with lying, not to Dream. "I got here after you scribbled something in your notebook, then you played a bit and I heard what you were singing." Another momentary silence.

"Well, was it good?" The question had caught George off guard. He thought Dream would be mad that his privacy had been invaded. Then...why did Dream want his opinion on his music, he hand't realized, that he had just stood there motionless and silent while facing away from Dream, for a good minute. "Oh....I guess it wasn't as good as I thought huh." It pierced George's heart to hear the sadness in Dream's voice and he turned to face him. "No, no it was really really good. I really liked it. Sorry the question just caught me off guard, I thought you would be mad about me invading privacy."

Slowly a smile made it's way back onto Dream's face. "So, you like it?" George nodded. "Is it about me?" he said it as a joke, but there was a hidden hope in his mind. Dream laughed a bit, nervously, "No, it's about who I like." George felt his heart shatter but knew he had to keep up the playful manner, "Ouch, so you never loved me?" He heard Dream laugh a bit, but then Dream said something under his breath, very quiet, to himself. However, George heard what he said. 

George could feel his face start to turn red, but he also felt like he needed to cry, so he just laughed with Dream a moment later and said that he wanted to go back to bed. Dream nodded in understanding and George left the room, closing the door behind him and going downstairs. He sat on the couch and slowly curled into a ball, as the silent tears started to fall slowly down his face. They were cold, and bitter, but George was warm and happy, what was doing that was the bit of hope that had flared up at Dream's words.

He knew that he had a real chance now. He knew that there was a chance that what Dream said, he really meant. 

Dream had no clue that George heard him mutter, after laughing. Dream had said that the song was not about George, it was about the person he liked. Note, George was the person he liked, ironic really, he thought to himself. Then George put on a fake face of hurt, "Ouch, so you never loved me?" Dream just laughed in response. George laughed a bit to and Dream muttered to himself, "I never said that..." He had no clue that George had heard it, or that George was crying on the couch, but least of all, he had no clue that George, felt the same way towards him. 

So in that moment, naturally, out of pure instinct, he got on discord, and called SapNap.

Alright that didn't take long......

Sorry for not posting over this past weekend, I had been hanging out with one of my friends the whole time, and I might not get to see her for a while, so we spent time together and stayed of our electronics. See you tomorrow! WC:1085

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