Chapter 3
I looked around and saw that nobody was around. I was contemplating whether I should change here, or go to the bathroom. Since the bathroom would probably be full of people, I decided to just change her quickly.
I had a t-Shirt on, so that was not too risky. I looked around again and saw that nobody was around. Suddenly the bell rang stopping my action.
I let out a sigh and just turned towards the towel. I grabbed it and tried to dry my still dripping wet hair. My hair being long didn't help.
The empty hallway was now flooded with students going to their classrooms, or their locker. Many glanced at me with pitying looks a few mocking ones were also there.
Nobody approached me and with the help of my locker I could also avoid being sucked into the flood of students,walking by. The bell rang again and after waiting 5 minutes the halls were empty again.
Replying my actions, by looking around, I made sure that no one was around and started to quickly remove my hoodie. I threw it over my beanie, in my locker and swiftly put on my back-up hoodie.
I looked around again and sighed when I saw that nobody was around. I continued to dry my, now only wet, hair on my way back to the office.
I knocked and turned to Sara. 'Thanks ' for the towel I placed it on the counter. I continued by asking ' where did you put the note for Ms. Collins? '
' No problem Sofia, and its on the table near the sitting area.' She answered. I thanked her and took the note. On the way to art class, I came across two police officers, both only glanced at me and went on their way.
I was in art class and was working on my project. Ms. Collins, was a nice teacher and gladly excused my lateness with the help of the note.
I had one one bud of my earphones in my ear. The blaring of my music was now reduced to a small background level of volume.
In the middle of class, just as I was about a third finished with my final hand in worthy project, there were a few knocks on the door. Now since Ms. Collins allowed the class to listen to music and chat with each other, if they promised to work while they did, only a few noticed it. Ms. Collins was at her desk immersed in something so she also didn't notice.
After a few moments the door opened catching the attention of everyone in the room beside Ms.Collins, it was a teacher I didn't know. He straightly walked to Ms. Collins and tapped her on her shoulder. Ms. Collins looked startled up and questioned the presence of him.
He looked around the room and asked ' I apologize for interrupting the class, but I am looking for a student named Sofia Doukas Tsitak. she should be in this class'. Immediately all heads looked at me and I raised my arm showing that I was the searched student. He looked at me and said ' well I am supposed to take you to the director. Please also pack your things and take them with you.' Even though I was confused at his orders I did as he said and packed everything up, following him.
We walked into the office and I looked at Sara, who had a pitying look on her face. Confused I turned to the teacher whom I still didn't know the name of. Well not that he could see my confused face, He just gestured towards the directors office.
My face expression was still expressionless and frozen and I new that as soon as I was in Johns office, I wouldn't keep it, but like always had the goal to keep it.
Even though I was tempted to just enter without knocking, the pitying look Sara gave me still confused me, as to why I let my manners win the battle and knocked on the door.
Now as I entered the office, I saw four people in the room. Three of them I recognized. The last one not. John, the two police officers from before and an unknown young man. My bewilderment only increased.
What the actual fuck?
I turned my attention back to John and walked over to a seat in front of him. I sat down and kept my blank face as I stared at him.
After a few moments of silence which were probably supposed to be me speaking, John began with ' Good morning Ms. Tsitak, it's always a pleasure seeing you.' I only nodded at his statement looking him in the eyes, getting that I wasn't going to start talking the John proceeded. ' Although I wished the circumstances would have been better.' Now that statement confused me even more than I already was, but as always, I didn't let it show.
First Sara, Now John, What the heck is going on?
I kept my hands in my hoodie pockets making small fists, as I finally let out a small sigh, while I sunk my head and closed my eyes. Breathing in a lot more air than I let out. I started to talk.
' Excuse my rudeness sir, but why am I here? It's not like a teacher wanted me here or that this was supposed to be some idle chat, since you took me out of class in the middle of the lesson.
Also, our last talk was a month ago and I think that I am not here to receive anything. I am also pretty sure the school shouldn't have a need of police officers for only water, So, would you please explain my presence here John?' I took a breath and looked straight into the eyes of John.
During My whole little talk my face didn't change its expression. while I saw how john started to look sad and even a bit speechless and startled. John started as he took a defeated sigh and looked me understandingly.
why did he look understandingly'?
' Well Sofia let me get straight to the point, something happened. An accident. The police officers behind you are Mr. Velrose and Mrs. Mosby.' and with that the female officer started to talk and I turned to look at her. Both of them were standing next to John to his left. The young man was on his right, sitting on a small couch beside the wall. Next to him was a shelf full of books. The guy was wearing a dark grey almost black suit. I was still confused
What does an accident have to do with me being here?
' Ms. Tsitak it seemed like your father has been in a car accident ''

Found Sister
Teen FictionSofia lives with her stepfather, when one day she get's sent to the directors office and sees police officers and a mysterious young man in a suit and has to go live with her birth father and his family along with a few additions? Will they accept B...