Chapter 7
What happened before: Heh?
'California! If you're moving to California I could move too' He began to say.
'What?!' was being yelled 'No, you are not going to California for gods sake!' began the tall brown-haired boy to state 'What about school? What about mom and dad? Are you really going to go to California for just one friend? You're not even old enough to drive a car Tim!' he ended his enraged monologue. I had pulled Tim behind me in the middle of his enraged shouting. A few of the other boys were also surprised by his small fit.
Just as it seemed that he was going to keep on speaking I held up my hand and showed that I needed a minute. It seemed as if he was going to start again, but before he could have, I already dragged Tim away from them, so that they couldn't hear us but still see us.
I turned to Tim 'You know I'd love that but, I couldn't just take you away from your family and friends.' Tim still had that look in his eyes 'But what if they come with me?' I pondered about it. 'Would they want to leave their home, just because you want to stay with me? They would also have to leave behind their friends. What would they even gain from moving to California? 'Tims face had dimmed a little when I mentioned how his family would have to leave their friends.' I know its selfish but I just don't want you to leave me, I don't want to be all alone again. And I don't want you to be all alone Sof. I cant imagine what would happen to you, if you're alone again, like 3 years ago...'
I started to tear up, but Tim saw that and began to hug me again, this time I was still tense at the beginning, but I ignored the pain and soaked up the feeling of familiarity I always got when we hugged.
' You know, three... But I am sure that Theodore is going to kill me if I took you with me' I spoke.
(A/N: you know three means..... read the story to find out. even though it's kinda obvious in this context,,)
Tim sighed as he nuzzled his head more into my neck 'You know three forever. You know I fear that that is true, if only there would be a situation that made moving more reasonable for my family, then I could stay with and wouldn't need to worry how you are doing, and could always give you a hug.
I wouldn't need to worry if your new family and birth father are treating you the way you deserve to be treated.
I wouldn't need to worry that you'd overwork yourself, since I would be by your side' While he started to ramble, a tear sneaked its way out of my eye and was now falling down my cheek.We separated and I wiped of any evidence of the tear on my face and proceeded to do so to Tim, who's whole face looked as if he had cried buckets. I used my sleeves and wiped all of the salty liquid away. 'You know we can always call, video, call and send us stuff.' I tried to console us both. The reality that I would be away from my best friend now only setting in.
He only slightly nodded his head thoughtfully before, he had a wide smile on his face and looked as if he had found the solution to everlasting youth. I furrowed my brows.
What did he think of now?
Tim excitedly and proudly asked 'I think I know how we are going to reason my family with a move to California!' I quirked a brow at the word we. 'We?' questioned clarified 'Yes WE. What do you think would happen if my dad gets promoted to work in California? But he didn't get promoted? '
I didn't get it,how would that happen?
Tim gave me an incredulous look. He slapped his hand against his forehead and down his face. 'Are you really writing the exams so good, or do you have a cheat sheet? Because right now I don't get why you are called smart?'

Found Sister
JugendliteraturSofia lives with her stepfather, when one day she get's sent to the directors office and sees police officers and a mysterious young man in a suit and has to go live with her birth father and his family along with a few additions? Will they accept B...