Chapter 12
Tim put on his jacket as I put on mine, along with a full face mask. Walking down I quickly put my wet clothes out of the bag so they could get a chance of drying while getting my extra bag, and make our way to the loft. As we walk in, the bodyguards only nodded at us, which we both reciprocated. The loft was decently crowded as it was only 5.30 PM and everyone present quieted down and stared at me or began whispering with their surrounding friends, like always, not bothering to give them my attention I walked further in, into the V.I.P section and was greeted by a bodyguard, who again only nodded and opened the door for us to enter.
The V.I.P area was far less crowded, especially if it's not past 8 PM. I turned to Tim and said let me work for an hour before Plan Theta. He nodded and said offered to help, which I gratefully accepted.
It's been an hour since we worked on the transfer papers, and gradually I began to grow even more exhausted, but I knew that if I wanted to be finished with packing and this, before tomorrow morning, I needed to finish today. In the last hour, I had a few phone calls, while we both wrote a few dozen transfer papers, and also wrote an e-mail to each one of them. I already started to prepare for the long-awaited branching out in California.
Ordering my third energy drink from the bartender, I hoped, that my tiredness would be shaken off. The first gulp did help a little, just not enough, so I decided after I wrote decided thrice wrong (A/N did actually happen this story keeps me up for hours and ruined my already bad sleeping schedule, it would be a wonder when I wake up at 8 PM today this will be like weeks after I wrote this published.) to take a short break for my eyes and body.
I saved all of the work on the laptop, a back-up USB- stick, and shut it down, just to lay my head on the table, I have been working on. Tim gave me a concerned look. The position wasn't the nicest, my back was being strained, so I just leaned on my side, against the cushioned arm of the armchair and took my cap. I put it on to shelter my closed eyes from the light. Before I relaxed though, I quickly got my mobile out, put on an alarm for 10 minutes on, and went back to relax. I let my body enjoy the softness of the armchair, silently congratulating myself for choosing it, and tried not to think about anything, besides relaxing.
I could finally feel how little parts of my energy came back until I was interrupted by someone grabbing the deflecting accessorize, letting the light assault my eyes. I instantly opened my eyes, needing a second to adjust to the light before I recognized, the culprit who disrupted my break. ''Sof you should go take a nap on the couch. The armchair won't be good for your back.''
I shook my head, as I was too tired to move my body but he still looked at me with a challenging and authoritative look. If it hadn't been for my fatigue his look wouldn't have worked.
I sighed stood up, laid down on the couch, and put the cap back on. It was identical to the one Tim was wearing. We had bought it together, mine was black with dark blue-purple accents, as he had white-light blue accents.
After 9 minutes my timer went off. I groaningly went over and swished over the display, stopping the horrendous sound. ''Why don't you go back to the nap, there isn't too much to finish anyway and I'm sure that you won't have to do too much now.'' I shook my head and argued ''There still are the parts you can't do, as the phone calls regarding the loft in California and the current hierarchy there. I also have to inform the head of the California branch that we will be arriving soon. Also planning how we should introduce my presence, while-''
''Ok that's enough, I know, I know you have a lot to do before you go, but I am sure that they won't mind you informing them a day later. So you either go back and take a nap or talk to me'' he said. ''What should we talk about?'' I asked genuinely confused.

Found Sister
Teen FictionSofia lives with her stepfather, when one day she get's sent to the directors office and sees police officers and a mysterious young man in a suit and has to go live with her birth father and his family along with a few additions? Will they accept B...