Chapter 5: Mate

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Remi's POV


"Release her at once". Alpha Derek orders.

"But Derek..." Alpha Jack is cut off by Alpha Derek's growl. Ha! Serves him right.

Alpha Jack pulls the knife from thigh and I groan in pain. Could've been a bit more gentle.

The wound begins to heal and I'm shocked. Watching it happen is really weird. I feel a major freak out session coming up but it stops when I feel the effect of the aphrodisiac more than ever and I groan.

The chains holding me are released and Alpha Derek touches my face. Pleasure rips through me because one, he smells so good, two, he's my mate and three, I'm under the influence of aphrodisiac.

I groan in response to his touch.

"What's wrong with her?" Alpha Jack clears his throat awkwardly. If I didn't feel the way I felt right now, I would laugh at the uncomfortable look on his face.

"Uh... I gave her a bottle of aphrodisiac". A growl rips through the cell, Alpha Derek's.

"Why would you do that?" He growls again, his eyes glowing blue, showing the presence of his wolf. Not going to lie, he looks so hot.

"It's a torture mechanism". Alpha Jack growls in response.

Alpha Derek ignores him and picks me up bridal style which makes me whimper. He smells so good. Like the refreshing scent of rain.

My lids become heavy and I fight to stay awake but eventually, I give up.


I wake up to something touching my face and I slowly open my eyes.

It's Alpha Derek.

I quickly stand up and bow my head.

"Alpha Derek". My wolf tries to come out but I push her down. He stands up and lifts my chin up, forcing me to meet his beautiful hazel eyes.

I lower my eyes though deciding to have a little fun and get a reaction from him.

"Why'd you do it?" He whispers and I immediately know what he's talking about.

"I didn't do anything Alpha, to be honest, that was the first time I heard about those rogues and their plans". He sighs.

He doesn't believe me does he?

"How am I sure?" How about because I'm your mate, I want to say but decide against it.

"With all due respect Alpha Derek, I know that while I was asleep you must have taken a DNA sample for a blood test". I want to raise my brows at him but i decide against it. If he has a brain, he wouldn't have let the opportunity of me sleeping pass him by.

He would've gotten a test done to see if there's anything strange in my system that could prove that I am indeed guilty. He just grunts in what sounds like approval.

"Look at me". I slowly lift my gaze.

"Why?" He asks me, his eyes showing a hint of vulnerability.

"What do you mean Alpha?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Stop it!" He growls and I look up at him. OK, now I'm really confused. What's wrong with him? Why is he getting so mad?

"I'm sorry if I offended you Alpha". He growls again. Can he stop growling for a second. Gosh, doesn't his throat hurt.

"Stop talking to me like I'm your alpha and not your mate!" Oh so that's why he's angry. I try to hide my amusement towards his source of anger.

He's getting so ruffled for such a little thing. It's cute.

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