Chapter 9: Disbelief

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Immediately I realize what I just did, I let go of my dad, taking a step back. He looks shocked. As I said, not even Jack has ever won him in a fight.

'You are way more than you give yourself credit for Remi'. My wolf fades back into the background with that

Well, that's a lot of help there Wolfy. She snorts at the name but gives no other reply. Asshole.

I take a few more steps back before running off into the woods. Was I a bit dramatic about the whole thing? Probably.
Would my pride let me go back? Definitely not.

So I keep running till I reach the creek and settle down on a rock. So much for a new day.  Once again the prophesy comes to my mind.

I've thought about it non-stop ever since Nicholas rejected me. Just like the witches said. My parents have never told me the exact words of the prophesy, just what it contained.

I still have my doubts. What if I'm not ready? What if I'm not enough? What if I fail the entire werewolf race?

I lay down on the ground till the moon begins to come out. I've been here for hours. My stomach grumbles in confirmation to that.

I get up and dust myself preparing to go back but the snap of a twig stops me in my tracks.

Who's there? I have the urge to ask. But if I've learnt anything from horror movies, it's that you should never ask that. So I wait instead.

The area is quiet for a while and slowly I relax. Must've been a bunny or something. I make my way towards the trees, dreading seeing all the pack members after my little stunt this morning.

Once more my stomach grumbles in protest to the lack of food and I almost don't hear it. The snap of yet another twig.

I have the urge to ask who's there but a woman comes out from behind the trees before I can. She's beautiful to say the least but at the same time has an air of raw power surrounding her.

She's a wolf, but she carries no scent. For some reason, I'm not threatened by her and my wolf retreats to the back of my mind. The woman smiles at me, and once again I'm taken back by how beautiful she is.

"Remi." The smile never leaves her face. Her voice is immaculate just like the calming sound of water flowing through the creek. Who is she?

"Who are you?" She merely laughs and walks towards me. No, walk doesn't describe her movement. She glides towards me with so much grace that I wonder if she's walking at all or just floating.

"I'm Reina." She acts like I'm automatically supposed to know who she is just by her name. Reina. What a pretty name. I think it means queen in Spanish.

"You're right, it does mean queen." I look at her alarmed. Did I say that out loud? She chuckles once more and goes to sit down on the ground by the lake.

I wince once she touches the floor. She's wearing a lovely white dress which flows around her and glitters in the moonlight. Such a beautiful dress should not be soiled by the dirty earth.

She sits down with so much grace and I know she expects me to do the same. I, on the other hand, plop down beside her with much less grace and I wince. She chuckles once more at my expression.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? How did you get here? Where did you come from?" The questions come tumbling out and she looks amused.

"I told you, I'm Reina. I've always known your name, and I walked here of course." I arch my brows waiting for her to answer the last question.

"I came from there." She points at the moon and I let out a far from lady like snort.  Her amused expression remains planted on her face. I don't believe her, but I do not question her. Something about her makes me want to trust her.

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