Chapter 8: An alpha's roar

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"Remi, wait". My dad calls out and I halt.

"Why dad? My whole life has been a lie. I've lived my whole life thinking I was the daughter of a beta. I trained myself to submit to an alpha''.

"There was always something that stopped me from submitting to alpha Jack but I convinced myself that it was just a rebellious phase".

At this point I can't stop the tears from flowing anymore so I let them fall freely.

"I know honey but you have to understand, we couldn't tell you". Mom tries to explain but I shake my head

"I just need some time to think". I try to turn away but dad grabs my hand.

"Remi, it isn't about how much respect the pack gives you but its about this!" He gestures to my skin.

"Its about the blood flowing through your veins, stop acting like a beta and act like the alpha female you are!"

My wolf growls at my dad and I walk away. They lied to me. How could they? Technically, they just didn't tell me the truth but still!

I sit by a small pond and stare at it for a while. My anger slowly fades away and I'm left with self doubt.

What if I'm not strong enough? For whatever destiny I have to fulfill, what if I'm not enough? I've been training as a beta all my life. What can a female beta like me do to help the werewolf race?

The moon goddess must have made a mistake. She chose the wrong person.

"If you really exist, then please choose a different person". I cry out, looking at the sky

"I'm not strong enough, please".

"I can't do it. I don't know what to do or how to do it so please".

And then it starts to rain.

"Is this some kind of sick joke? Because if it is, them it's not funny"

"I don't think I can do it so please just choose a different person".

I get up after a while and walk back home. When I get there, my dad, my mom and Andrew standing outside my house.

Dad sees me and runs up to me.

"Where on earth have you been? We've been worried about you!" I roll my eyes and start to walk away.

"I went to clear my head". My father growls.

"You were gone for four hours and you come home soaking wet and you give me that as an excuse?" I scoff

"Yes dad, I'll give you that as an excuse because that's all you deserve right now".

"Remi stop being childish about this". Mom tries to touch me but I move back.

"Childish? Try being lied to all your life and then come to me".

"Well, your brother is in the same state as you and yet he's handling it like a true alpha! You on the other hand, are handling it like a beta!" My wolf growls at that.

"I am not a beta". I say coldly

"But you are, only a beta would behave as stupidly as you are right now".

My wolf takes over and jumps at my dad. And this time, I'm fully in support of her.

She tries to punch him in the face but he just dodges and knees me in my gut. I stumble back a bit but he doesn't give me much time to recover as he punches the side of my head.

"You wanted to be trained like an alpha? This is what alpha training is like! Are you up to it?" I growl but then I hear a voice.

A calm voice that doesn't belong to me or my wolf. 'Don't fight'. Don't fight? How can I not when that's the whole point of this.

'Let go' the voice says again. My dad punches me and then I panic. What makes me think I'll win this? As far as I know, even alpha Jack has never won my father. It's always been a tie and from the looks of things, my dad let him win to avoid any trouble.

'Let go now' the voice shouts again. I don't know how and why I do, but I let go.

I feel a cold sensation and then I smirk. My dad's eyes clouds in confusion for a second but he quickly returns to an expressionless face.

He goes for a roundhouse kick but I grab his leg and twist him to the floor. He gets up quickly and attempts a 360 kick but once again I grab his leg.

I watch him for a moment. His left eye twitches indicating he's going for a left punch.

When he moves though, he feigns a right hook but I still block his left punch which surprises him.

He growls and releases a series of attacks. Left hook, right hook, jab, right hook, jab, left hook.

I successfully dodge all his attacks but I don't see a powerful kick coming my way.

I stumble to the floor and he gets on me. He smirks and I realize his claws are around my neck.

"A beta, that's what you are". The cold sensation returns and I growl. I wrap my leg around him and flip us over.

His claws scratch my neck but I don't care as I hit him punch after punch.

I wrap my claws tightly around his neck and look at him in the eye.

"You're wrong. I am an alpha and not a beta". And then he just laughs. He tries to flip us but I pin him down.

"You will never be an alpha". And then I growl. I wrap my fingers tighter around his neck.

"Submit!" I growl and he scoffs.

"Submit!" I growl once again and he still refuses.

And then I roar and he bares his neck. I scoff and get off him. Only then do I realize that I roared.

An alpha's roar.

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