Chapter 10: Leaving

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Nicholas' POV

Last night I lied. I told Remi that I didn't feel the bond anymore.

Yet I still feel the pain of the broken bond tugging at my sanity. And I still imagine what could've been if not for my stupid actions.

When Remi told me about the prophecy, she told me not to beat myself up and that it wasn't my fault.

But it was my fault. I should've been stronger. I should've fought more. But I didn't. And now I've lost her.

Last night I lied. I lied to Derek. I told him that there wasn't a bond between Remi and I anymore.

But there was, she just couldn't feel it. I told her I felt a friendship bond with her. But that was also a lie.

I still feel the mate bond, the sparks, everything. But I said I felt a friendship bond because that's what it felt like. Being friend zoned in the worst way possible.

It hurt to see Derek hold her and touch her like that, knowing that it should've been me, I should've been the one touching her like that. I had to get out of there.

I hate the moon for playing such a cruel prank on me. And I fear that whoever my mate is, she would never be half the woman Remi is.

Now I watch her get ready to leave as she says goodbye to her parents. I feel tears force their way forward but I blink them back.

My wolf howls for our mate and I try to comfort him. Though I'm not sure I'm doing a good job, because we both needed comforting.

I knew for a while that she was my mate, ever since I turned 18. Everytime I wanted to treat her like the queen she was, I found myself doing the exact opposite.

It's hard to pretend. To pretend like the bond doesn't twist and turn everytime he touches her.

To some extent I'm glad she's leaving. At least I wouldn't have to see her every day and be reminded of what I lost. Or rather, what I threw away.

She walks towards me and I force a smile. I embrace her, inhaling her scent. I know it's the last time I will for a very long time.

"Goodbye Remi." She smiles sadly at me. My wolf wants nothing more than to grab her and run away. But I know better, she isn't mine. Not anymore.

"Goodbyes are so sad Nicholas. How about see you soon?" A little laugh escapes. Most of the wolves our age are in tears. Because this is Remi, the girl who is loved by all.

"Then see you soon Remi." She smiles up at me and steps away from my embrace. I feel empty. But I don't let it show, it doesn't matter anyway.

Remi looks around at the crying teens and children and groans. "You're all acting like I'm dead, stop crying will you?"

Everyone chuckles despite their tears. She would've made an amazing Luna. My heart twists again, this time not just for the loss of an amazing mate, but for the loss of an amazing Luna for this pack.

"I'm so sorry I have to miss graduation, trust me, I had some amazing moves to show off." The whole crowd chuckles once again. Everyone aware of the fact that Remi couldn't dance to save her life.

"Of course you did Rem, of course you did." Kiara mutters sarcastically and Remi lets out a dramatic gasp. "What's that supposed to mean?"

She says it with a serious face, but the glint of amusement is obvious in her eyes and I can see her struggling to keep her smile at bay.

"It means you suck Remi, you suck major balls." The crowd chuckles and even Remi can't hide her smile anymore, knowing that it in fact is the truth.

Derek's watching her, and I don't need to be a mind reader to know exactly what he's thinking. He can see what a fine Luna Remi would make.

My wolf wants to lash out at him, the thought of another male being with his mate and making her his Luna almost overtaking him. I force him back, hard. We've already lost a mate, there's no need to lose a friend too.

So as Remi says her final goodbyes, I look down, the tears threatening to spill. I'm glad she doesn't come up to hug me again, because I definitely wouldn't have been able to hide my tears.

Remi's POV

I know he lied. I know he still feels the mate bond between us. The subtle flinching anytime I touch him, the tears in his eyes, his shaky voice and his unusual quietness.

He tried hiding it for my sake, but it was in vain. I knew from that moment in the kitchen, I knew he still felt it.

I get into the car with Derek and wave at my family and friends one last time, fighting the urge to cry.

A man, who Derek said is our driver for today is at the wheels and we're sitting in the back seat.

He has dirty blonde hair and seems to be a few years older than me. He turns towards the backseat and bows his head slightly.

"Good morning Luna." He says just as he starts the car. This is really happening, I'm really leaving home.

Luna... this all feels so surreal. Realizing I'm not just Derek's mate, but the Luna of the second largest pack in the States is a lot to swallow.

"Good morning, what's your name?" I see a hint of a smile on Derek's face, I'm not sure what for but I must admit that he looks good.

"I'm Connor ma'am." I scoff and Connor glances back in worry that he might've upset me.

"You don't have to call me ma'am Connor, it makes me feel so old and I am definitely not old. Unless you think I'm old."

Connor chuckles a bit while still staring ahead at the road. "No, I don't think you're old Luna." I smile in response.

"That's relieving, I was worried I was already beginning to have wrinkles. Oh that'd simply be a disaster." I say in a horrible British accent and Connor releases a full blown laugh. I smile in triumph and look out the window, observing the trees and scenery.

"You know what Connor? I have a feeling you and I are going to be really good friends". He looks at me through the rearview mirror and smiles.

"I'd really like that, my mate would be happy to hear that, although she was kinda mad I would get to see you first". I giggle at that.

"What's her name?" He smiles fondly at the thought of talking about her.

"Veronica". He tells me more about his mate and from what I gather, she seems like a really fun person. Connor and I play some games for a while.

The 'con'in his name is for a good reason because he cheated in almost all of them. By the time we run out of games, my stomach hurts from all the laughing.

My eyes start to droop after a while and I struggle to keep them open. The scenery is so beautiful, I feel going to sleep would cheat me out on the view. Derek must notice my struggle since he pulls me towards his shoulders. I rest my head on them, finally getting comfortable enough.

"Go to sleep Remi, I'll wake you when we arrive." Derek whispers softly while stroking my hair. A slight moan of delight leaves my lips and I hum in response, finally giving in to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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