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Sams pov

Everyone in the house has left for a vacation except ma and kat. its 12 in the morning and i hear a knock on my door. i open it to see Colby standing in the doorway. Colby walks in and says," hey babe." "dont call me babe Colby." "but why Sammy dont you miss me." "no i dont." next thing i know Colby put a towel over my mouth and i pass out.

Kats pov

I hear Sam talking to someone downstairs but when i go down there i see no one. but all of a sudden, Colby comes out of nowhere and puts a towel over my nose and mouth and i pass out.

Colby's pov

I walk into Sams house and taunt Sam for a little bit before i knock him out, tie him up, and put him in my car. I then go back into the house and i knocked out Kat, tie her up, and i put her into the car too.

20 minutes later

i get to the place where me and Sam used to hang out. no one knows about it. we used to go here and make out and do other things. its away from everyone and everything. i put Sam and kat in chairs facing each other. they wake up and kat says," where are we." we are where me and Colby would always hang out before we got divorced, but i don't know who brought us here. i come out of the shadows and Sam says," what are you doing." and i respond with," hurting you like you hurt me."

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