Im sorry

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Colbys POV

I wake up and get dressed. I walk out to the living room and see Sam sitting there. It looks like he's been crying. He looks up at me and smiles. He says "I'm really sorry. I just wanted payback." I say it's ok and hug him. He starts to cry some more. I pull him in for kiss. He kisses back. I pull away and smile. Me and him start to cuddle. We end up falling asleep.

Sam's POV

I wake up still cuddling colby. I smile knowing me and him are good. I get up and make some food. Colby gets up and wraps his hands around my waist. I jump at the sudden touch. After I realize who it was I melt into the touch.

Me and Colby finish eating. Me and him keep making jokes.

I end up laughing so hard I start to cry. I wish this could happen everyday but sadly it can't.

Colbys POV

Sam is dieing of laughter and so am I. I fall on the floor and Sam laughs even more.

Me and him eventually calm down. We talk some more. I really have the urge to kill but I push that back. Me and Sam keep talking til we get really tired.

I take a shower and get dressed. Sam is laying on the bed asleep already. I lay down next to him and he cuddles into my chest. I fall asleep shortly after.

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