Liar (smut) (tw)

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Colbys POV

I wake up to Sam groaning. I chuckle at myself knowing why he's groaning. I get up and go to the bathroom. I take a shower. I get out and sit on the couch. Sam comes out and sits next to me. "Can out promise me something" Sam stays. "Yeah what is it." "Promise me you won't kill more people." "I promise." After he says that he gets up and goes to the room. I get up and get my knife. I know I promised Sam I wouldn't kill anyone but I can't help it.

I go to a random house and kill and family.

I get back to the apartment. I still have blood on me because I didn't have a change of clothes. I walk into the apartment and Sam is sitting on the couch. He looks at me and shakes his head. I walk in and he yell "YOU LIED TO ME. YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T KILL ANDMORE BUT YOU DID. YOU KNOW WHAT I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE." "Sam plz." "NO COLBY NO I'M LEAVING." He left and I just sat there and cried.

Sam's POV

I walk out of the apartment crying. I run to my car and go to the stop me and colby used to always hang out.

I get there and just sit there thinking of the memories. I start to cry even more. I lay down and my eyes start to get heavy. Right before I fall asleep I hear a car pull up. I quickly rush to a corner where you can't see anything. I know its colby because we only know about this.

Colby's walks in with someone. It's jake.

Colby's POV

After Sam left I grab my keys and go to the traphouse but he's not there. I see jake and say "hi baby." He blushes and I ask "do you wanna go have some fun." I wink at him and he nodds. I bring him to my car. We drive to the place that me and Sam used to hang out. Sam's car is there but I didn't think much of it. I go into the room with jake and pin him on the wall. I smirk and say "I'm going to make you not be able to walk." He just smiles and I start to create hickeys on this neck. He moans really loudly. I take off his shirt and he takes of mine. I start to kiss down his chest. He starts to moan even more. I put him on the bed that was in there. I pulled off his pants to see that he was hard. I smirk and pull my pants down. He says "wait aren't you dating sam." "Yeah but I want you." I pull down his boxer and I take mine off. He blushes and I ask "do you need prep." he shakes his head and says "I want it raw." I nod and line myself up with his entrance. I push in and he moans loudly. I give him time to get comfortable. He nods and I start thrusting slowly. He moans and say "ugh colby faster please." (;)) I start to go faster and he moans louder. I go faster and he moans "I'm about to cum." "Me too baby boy." He soons cums on his chest and I cum in him. He moans one last time. I pull myself out of him and lay next to him. He climbs on top me. He lines him up and slowly goes down. I'm quessing he really likes me in him. He starts to bounce and moan. I start to moan. He bounces faster. His head drops on my shoulder him still bouncing. I grab his waist to help. He end up cumming on our stomachs. I cum in him. He sits there. I'm still in him. His eyes start to close. He falls asleep and I carefully pull myself out of him. I clean up making sure not to wake him. I get us dress and lay next to him.

Sam's POV

I start to heard moaning and I know what there doing. I look over at them and see colby smashing jake. I cry silently. They stop and go to bed. I walk out of the corner. Colby looks at me and I run away. He yells but I ignore him. I get to my car and go to the traphouse.

I run in and Corey comes up to me. He ask what's wrong and I say "C-colby was fucking jake right infront of me and didn't know it. He didn't know I was there." Corey hugs me. "We will pay him a little visit tomorrow ok." "Please don't hurt him." "Ok. Go get some sleep." "Ok"

I walk upstairs and go to the bathroom. I grab a blade and put it to my healing scars. I make one cut say he doesn't love me. I make another. He never loved me. I make 3 more cuts and put the blade away. Not caring anymore. I go in my room and start crying. I slowly start to fall asleep from me crying.

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