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Colbys POV

I wake up to Sam gone. I'm guessing he went back to the traphouse. I grab my knife and walk up to the 20 story in my complex. I knock on a door and someone answers. They invite me inside and I pull the knife out of my pocket and stab them in the back of the neck. They fell to the ground and I walked around to see if there's more people. There was one person in the bedroom and one in the bathroom. I kill them both and run back to my apartment. I sit on the couch to lazy to change.

10 minutes later

Sam walks in and looks at me. He sighs and walks into the bedroom.

Sam's POV

I walk into the apartment and see that Colby is covered in blood. I sigh and go into the bedroom. I lay down and put my head in the pillow. My eyes start to water. I end up crying for 5 minutes before Colby walks in. He sits next to me and asks me what's wrong. I skake my head and put my head back into the pillow. He lays next to me and I cuddle into his chest. I fall asleep with tear stained on my cheeks.

The next morning
Colby's POV

I wake up before Sam and get dressed. I  leave the apartment and go to a jewelry store. I grab a promise ring. I go back home and sam is sitting on the couch. I pull it out and say, "sam here is a promise ring. Plz promise me that you will never leave me and love me. Your my only happiness so plz don't leave me." He talks the ring and say " Ofc colby I will never leave you." I smile and hug him. I bring him to the room and we do the dirty. (I was to lazy to write all of that) I clean us up and we head to bed.

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