You will repay

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Colbys POV

I hear I knock on my door. I open the door and there stands Corey and Sam. Corey looking pissed and Sam having stains on his cheek. Next thing i know Corey punches me in the face. I hold my face seeing blood on my hand. I punch Corey in this face. Me and him start to fight. Sam pulls us away from each other. I end up with a bloody nose, a black eye, and bloody lip. He has the same things I do. I go back into the apartment and Sam and Corey leave. I fall asleep on the couch.

Sam's POV

I get home and sit on the couch. Corey explains what happened. I got to the kitchen to get some food. I make some pizza rolls and sit back on the couch. Corey takes one of my pizza rolls and burns his month. I laugh at him and he hits my arm a little. I laugh even harder and go up to my room. I end up falling asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter. I was really tired and didn't know what to do.

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