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Colbys POV

I wake up and sam is on my chest. I smile and play with his hair. I get up without waking him up. I sit on the couch and watch TV.

10 minutes later.

Sam comes out of the room and sits next to me. He looks down and plays with his sleeve. He end up falling asleep cuddling into my side.

I get up and grab my knife. I know I shouldn't do this but I have to.

I walk out of the apartment.

2 hours later.

I pull up to this one house a couple lives there. I kill them. I run out of the door.

Sam's POV

I want to hang out with Corey but I don't fell like going back to the traphouse. I text him
S-sam c-corey

S-hey Corey do you want to come over to colbys apartment while he's gone.
C-yea sure bro what the complex and room number.
S-yeah the complex is blue valley and the room number is 506
C-ok I'll see you in about 1 hour because I'm doin something right now
S-ok bye bro

Colby walks in with blood on him. I sigh and go to my phone. I dial the number. I go to the bedroom and say everything they need to know. I hang up and sit next to Colby on the couch.

I sigh and he looks at me. He ask "what's wrong" And I shake my head.

20 minutes later

I hear a knock on the door. It's either Corey or those people. It's Corey. I take Corey to the bedroom while Colby is still in the living room. I sit down Corey and say "I called them." "Who did you call?" "The mental asylum. They are going to take him away." "It'll be ok." I nod and then is a knock on the door. I run to the door and open it. There are 2 people with all white on. I point to the couch and they nod.

Colbys POV

2 people with all white on come in and I look at him. He says "I'm sorry Colby but I can't have you kill anymore people. Goodbye." They take me and I end up punching Sam. He falls to the floor and I got taken away.

Corey's POV

I hear a thod on the floor and the door close. I run out of the bedroom and see Sam on the floor. He still has a pulse. I rush him to the hospital. He's in a coma. He should be awake in like 1-4 weeks.
                          -The end-

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