Chapter 9: It was all your fault

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The pitch dark room played my mind. I started to imagine things that weren't there. Or was it there? I wasn't so sure. The monsters who lived in my mind came alive and real in front of me. I wasn't sure how long I had been here. In this small dark room, time flew.

I was reek of piss because there wasn't a toilet to use. I tried to hold on but I just couldn't anymore. My bladder was hurting me if I didn't let it go. Enough with the pain in my stomach that already excruciatingly painful that clutched tightly until I could felt bitterness on my throat. I tried to swallow it down but the scratches of my dry throat due to the lack of water source my body received.

"Mom?" After a few times, I started believing that my mom was here with me.

There she was sitting on her knees, not far away from another corner of the room. She wore her usual long white nightgown. She was crying.

"Mommy," I slowly crawled towards her, the cold freezing floor bit on my skin.

She kept on crying, the droplets of tears could be heard hitting one by one.

Slowly I approached her, my hand was trembling, trying to reach on her. I tapped lightly on her thigh.

"Please don't cry, mom," I whispered.

She was mumbling but it was too soft even in this concrete cramped room, it was inaudible. She cried again.

"Mom, I beg you please,"

She lifted her head and her eyes penetrated through me, "This is your fault. This whole thing is your fault, Eris,"

I staggered away, my hands were blocking her as she tried to crawl towards me with her hair covered her face, "Mom!"

My body was too weak to fight as I fell backwards to the floor. My hands were trying hard when she came above me. Finally I could see her face when her hair uncovered and shown the pale sunken face of her. She looked the same but something was off.

"It was all your fault," she shouted at me, her saliva dripped a few on my face but some fell to the floor.

She gripped on my shoulders which could imprinted her long sharp nails. I screamed in pain. She was hard to push as my hands were flailing but she was as hard as the wall. She grabbed me upwards before she slammed me hard. The movement made my head spun when it hit the floor.

"Stop, mom, please," I begged.

She kept on repeating, "This was all your fault, this was all your fault"

I was about to lose consciousness after my head had hit too many times, the pain had numb me. I stopped begging at her as my hands fell on the sides and I just let her be.

"Your father would have been alive if it wasn't for you, you ungrateful bitch," she snarled, her brown eyes darkened putting a hole on me.

"I'm sorry," I whispered an apology that I didn't know what was my fault.

It was always been like this. She always put a blame on me, no matter what. I used to not understand her when she did that but I just couldn't put where's my fault was. The flying bottles, the smacks on the face, the constant insults. I had those many times where there were moments I fought back but sometimes I let her did what she wanted.

Just like now, I had enough. I pushed her harder as I could with what my energy had left and screamed at her to stop.

The sound of the metal door slammed open behind me as the light filled and blinded me. I covered my eyes with my hands.

"Not even a week," a voice bellowed, a familiar deep masculine voice, "and you're turning crazy,"

I uncovered my hands and searched for my mom but she was nowhere to be found, "Mom ..."

"There's no one here, Eris," footsteps came near me, "it's only you,"

I lifted my head to find Maxwell towered over me, wearing his usual black fitted suit. He stared down at me and I couldn't read his face.

"I just saw my mom in here," I told him, "where is she?"

He tilted his head, "I told you no one's here," he told me before turning his head towards the door, "Seth,"

A man entered the room and walked towards us, "Send her to her room, now," instructed Maxwell and the man came to me.

I slid away from him, trying to push him away like I did with my mom but he was stronger and just lifted me up to his shoulder.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, "let me go now,"

He turned me so I faced Maxwell to find he was smirking on me, "You're some privileged kid who think they can get what they want," he clicked his tongue, "well, in here, you don't,"

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