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jaemin asked the others skeptically. "we're missing out on our first classes."

"we're hiding, you doofus. ow, jeno, that was my foot!" chenle whispered back.

"sorry," jeno apologized sheepishly.

it was eight thirty am, and the dreamies were hiding out in the janitors closet, way too close for comfort, but it had to be done. it was dark, and they couldn't see who was right in front of them.

renjun rolled his eyes. "this is childish. can't we turn on the light?" he asked, standing taller and pulling on the light bulb's cord.

"don't do that!" mark and donghyuck shrieked at the same time, scrambling to turn it off.

"do you want wooyoung and san to find us?!" donghyuck hissed.

jisung fished something out of his pocket. "if you pussies are scared of the dark, we'll have to rely on this." a clicking sound was heard and a tiny flame from a lighter provided the boys with a bit of light.

"okay that's a major fire hazard. don't we have paper towels and bleach and shit in this place?" jaemin raised an eyebrow, nervously backing up from the flame.

jisung scoffed. "do you think i'm about to just wildly wave this thing around? woah-" just at that moment, jisung stepped on a sponge that had fallen onto the floor, and nearly fell into a pile of dirty towels. everyone sucked in their breath and tightly closed their eyes, bracing themselves to be engulfed into flames. just when they realized they weren't being burned to a crisp, they opened their eyes, and swiped the lighter from the youngest boy.

"i think my life just flashed before my eyes." chenle exhaled deeply.

"i don't think i'll ever be able to trust you again." mark glared at his best friend.

"nobody answered my question. why are we hiding from wooyoung and san?" jaemin said, exasperated.

as if on cue, the door flew open, and two very angry looking boys stood there. "did one of you idiots plant weed in our lockers?!" san shouted.

jaemin's jaw fell to the floor, and mark tilted his head to one side. "what makes you say that?" he asked the taller boys.

wooyoung stepped forward. "don't play dumb. i know you asked hongjoong for our locker info."

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