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𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝟐𝟗, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟑


he doesn't care for much and he's definitely the type of person to not listen to you if it's not what he wants. that's how he ended up buying more alcohol after kun took away all of his since the overdose. he also might've swiped some pills from the tiny pharmacy area at the grocery store. he would be home alone for another hour, and then later he'd be out with his friends wreaking havoc. but for now, he was laying on his bed, downing five pills at a time with a shot of vodka. it felt like heaven.

so you can imagine his surprise when his room door busted open and a boy his height marched in and took away his drinks and his bottle of pills.

chenle sat up quickly, his hair a matted mess on his forehead. his head pounded with the movement and he had to squint to make out the boy in front of him. "what the fuck, xiaojun?!" he hiccupped.

"you're seriously drinking again?" the older boy glared at him.

"you're not supposed to be home for another hour," chenle slurred. he tried to stand up and reached pathetically for his bottle, but xiaojun pulled it out of his reach.

"don't change the subject," xiaojun said. "you overdosed, chenle. i thought we all took these away from you."

"i don't see why you would care." maybe sober chenle would've shut his mouth and listened, frozen in fear or maybe he'd actually take in the concern in his brother's voice, but drunk chenle is entitled and drunk chenle does what he wants.

"because i'm your brother."

chenle laughed. "really? well, you certainly haven't been acting like one." the young boy saw how the other faltered slightly, and sober chenle might've felt bad, but drunk chenle is much different from sober chenle. drunk chenle could be clumsy, or he could be mean. drunk chenle could be vicious and sober chenle was scared of him. but sober chenle is also too tired to care.

drunk chenle felt something when he saw one of his older brothers upset. they would finally see how he had felt for years. the mental abuse and torment he had dealt with his entire childhood had cut him so deeply that there was barely anything left of chenle before it all; before all the drugs, all the drinking, all the pain.

"yiren wasn't a good person, chenle." xiaojun said softly.

chenle rolled his eyes. "wow, now you're insulting the dead? that's low xiaojun, even for you."

"chenle stop it. you were young. you didn't see what we all saw," xiaojun for once sounded sincere, like he was worried. chenle didn't know what to do about that. "that version you saw of her.. she wasn't that. she's the one who got into drugs. she's the one who allowed other people who into the same stuff as her near our family. she got you addicted."

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