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𝐍𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟔, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟐


it was a month later and the first day of thanksgiving break. nobody really celebrated it here, but the school was kind enough to give them two weeks off. 

mina, san, wooyoung and the others haven't done anything that bad since the ceremony incident. san and wooyoung had approached the boys after school saying that it was time for a real truce. no more pranks. no more wars. the dreamies were hesitant. they weren't going to forget nearly killing one of their own super quickly. but mark was the one who shook their hand in a silent agreement.

"truce." he said, ignoring the quiet gasps behind him. after wooyoung and san left, he turned around to the shocked boys. 

"what, you're just making decisions for us now?" jaemin asked. he didn't look angry, only confused, but his voice still had a bite to it. the boys understood. he, without a doubt, had one of the worst experiences with the other two.

mark shrugged in response. "none of us are lucky. we're all hanging on by a thread. this school, this town, no matter how shitty it is here, is the way we get out. i'm not gonna throw that away just because of a prank war. we already won." then he shifted his bag onto his shoulder and walked away, the dreamies slowly following.

with that, the war between the two groups was over, and everything went back to normal. sad, boring, and normal.

and now what were our favorite boys doing? sitting in the palace, staring at the assignment taeyong assigned over break.

"i thought taeyong was supposed to be a chill teacher," jisung continued to moan. he stood up, wildly shaking the paper like a mad man and stomping around the place. the whole assignment was a packet of different things that his students were required to do each day. "this! this is not chill!"

mark removed the paper that was resting in his face, looking half asleep. "on any other day, i would respectfully tell you to shut the fuck up. but today, i am simply telling you to shut the fuck up."

before jisung could have the opportunity to shoot something back, renjun sat up.  "what does he even mean by all of this? 'write about a something that is slowly losing life. express why is is happening. express the emotions in a clear way. make me visualize what's going on'?" he read off the first assignment.

"he's gone absolutely and completely insane if he's got renjun confused," chenle laughed.

jaemin rolled away from his place on jeno's lap and landed at renjun's feet. "junnnn.. please help meee.."

renjun smiled softly and gently pushed jaemin away. "don't you have a boyfriend to do that for you?"

jaemin clung to renjun's leg for dear life. "but he's not as smart as you!" renjun opened his mouth to response, glancing at jeno nervously, when the the front door closed loudly.

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