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𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟏, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟐


he escaped to the restroom during lunch. practice had ended fifteen minutes early, and his father actually decided to give them a break for once. a full lunch period today. but jeno's body was too sore and weak right now. his muscles screamed in pain from the hours of work he put into the sport. he had gotten bad cramps before, but they were never this bad. jeno thought he could just sit down for a minute and they'd subside by the time his next class starts, just like always. he was sitting on the floor, his back rested against the door of one stall, sweat rolling down his neck. he knew his teammates wouldn't notice until they needed him, and in all honesty, he didn't want to see any of them. after what happened with shotaro yesterday, and what wooyoung and san said to mark, chenle, and renjun, he wasn't sure if he liked being on the team anymore. of course, he knew he would buried alive if he even thought about leaving the team, so that option was out anyways. all he could do was make the best of it. 

but making the best of anything was extremely hard when you feel like you're seconds away from death. well, jeno doesn't know what it feels like to be seconds away from dying, but he suspects this comes pretty close.

the door opened, revealing renjun. the chinese male took a good five seconds to take in the boy in front of him. jeno watched renjun as he struggled to decide what to do. if he wasn't in so much pain, he would have laughed. eventually, renjun got his brain to function and he walked over to where jeno was sitting. "um. are you okay?"

jeno arched one eyebrow.

"w-wait, that's a stupid question. you're laying here, obviously in pain, of course you're not okay. sorry. um," renjun flushed deeply. "sorry, i'm rambling."

"stop saying sorry so much," jeno said.

"sorry. oops, um, s-sorry again. ah, fuck-" renjun's voice gave out when jeno placed a weak hand on his shoulder. the younger smiled softly.

"calm down. you don't have to be so nervous around me. i'm your friend, right?" jeno innocently tilted his head to one side, the playful smile on his lips being enough to make renjun's heart beat rapidly.

"uh-huh.." renjun replied meekly.

"good!" jeno said. "so uh, do you have some tylenol or advil or anything on you? kinda feeling not at my best right now," he joked.  

renjun bit his lip. "i don't have anything, but mark does, i think? or we could get the school nurse. if you can walk or-"

"no," jeno said, his voice growing smaller. "i can't go to the nurse. she'll tell my dad. can you get mark?" his voice faded to a whisper, and his pleading eyes were making renjun feel way too many emotions at once.

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