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𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝟏𝟏, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟑

before this chapter stars, i want to say that this chapter covers very serious topics. there will be talk about past rape and incest, along with self harm, suicide, abuse, and drugs as we've seen in past chapters. like i said at the beginning of this book, if you are triggered by these topics, please click off now. love you <3


it was embarrassing how long it took him to finally realize something that's been right in front of his face his whole life. but, better late than never.

the thought came to him as he grabbed his small suitcase and hoisted his backpack onto his shoulders. it felt nice to not be wearing his uniform. he felt freer in a way. he wasn't going to be burdened by books and studies for three days. he smiled at his reflection. he was wearing a dark blue hoodie and his old, worn jeans. he didn't have the best clothes in town, but they'll do. they were simple, just like him.

last night, he impulsively decided to chop off his mullet with a pair of safety scissors. he was worried it'd come out choppy, but luckily, his hair was naturally fluffy and once he brushed it out, it actually looked kind of nice. maybe he'd even stop wearing his dad's hat.

renjun exhaled, feeling giddy with excitement. he'd be meeting the others at the school, where there'd be a bus to drive the sophomore and junior classes to the airport half an hour away. 

he grabbed his backpack and small suitcase. he honestly didn't know if his mother was home or not. thought they lived in the same house, it was like they never saw each other. renjun couldn't decide if he was happy or saddened by that fact. he decided to say goodbye to her anyway before he left. because he was a good son.

he lightly tapped her door, waiting for an answer. when he didn't get one, he slowly opened the door. his mother was in bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze. renjun furrowed his eyebrows. wasn't she supposed to be at work? "mom?" he said softly.

his mother looked up. the look on her eyes didn't change. she didn't smile. "oh, renjun. why aren't you in your uniform?"

"i'm going on the school trip, mom. remember?"

"school trip?" she said tiredly as she stumbled out of bed. "oh, renjun. oh, no no no. not a school trip. i thought i told you, studies always come first."

renjun swallowed. "i've put studies first my whole life. i'm gonna have to work extra hard next year mom. i just wanna have this one week to take a day off? we're not even studying much these days."

his mother paled. "oh, renjun." she said again. "oh, what's happened to you?"

"nothing's happened to me, mother."

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