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𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟑, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟐


it wasn't a scary dream. it was actually quite nice. jisung was in the palace and he and chenle were playing hide and seek. it was november 22, chenle's seventeenth birthday and the others hadn't shown up to their little party, so they decided to make the most of it. jisung was smiling widely, calling out to his friend and following the cute laughter he heard.

"jisung?" he heard chenle say.



jisung's eyes shot open and he sat up so quickly that he fell off of the couch. he rubbed his eyes. "that was so loud, it hurt my feelings. how can i ensure that never happens again?"

"oh, shut up," chenle smiled. "now, get up! get dressed! we're meeting the others once we get there and then we're going to see the the stupid game."

it's only been five days since break ended and the coach/jeno's crazy dad somehow had a game scheduled already. that meant jeno had to practice double time, and that meant jaemin would be waiting for him with his brother. renjun and jaemin still weren't talking to each other as much. it was starting to worry the boys, especially jisung because he was aware of how much renjun struggled with his inner conflicts. donghyuck seemed sadder ever since his mom's. lonelier. but he also managed to get slightly closer to mark. they still bickered more than half of the time, but that ended up being the base of their unlikely friendship. that day was the second time donghyuck had seen such a tender, caring side to mark, the first being when mark had to patch him up.

"why aren't the others here?" jisung asked, running a hand through his bedhead.

"renjun's studying, jeno and jaemin are making out, donghyuck's been sleeping around, and i have no clue what mark is doing. it was just you and me here." chenle answered, tilting his head to the side. "you don't remember anything from last night?"

"nothing." jisung answered. he thought he saw a flicker of disappointment in chenle's eyes.

"oh." chenle sat back. "well, yesterday was when i told you my birthday was a few days ago. you were all, 'oh why didn't you tell me we could've done something'," chenle mimicked jisung's low voice, grinning. "but i hate huge parties. so we ended up drinking everything in the fridge and cried while watching titanic." chenle looked like he wanted to say more, but smiled again before standing up. "it was a pretty nice birthday, actually. you also ended up spray painting the billboard of this place."

jisung blinked, trying to remember what happened last night.

"come on, ji, we gotta go." chenle whined, pulling jisung up. jisung stumbled slightly, still a tiny bit hungover and he held chenle's shoulders to steady himself. then he noticed a small purple mark right at chenle's collarbone. he furrowed his eyebrows. "what's that?"

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