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𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟒, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟐


it was christmas eve and most families were out of town. of course, some people never left, like the lee's or the moon's, but people like mina and wooyoung and san were all in seoul or tokyo or wherever.

even chenle's family was back in china, but the small chinese boy was sitting in shotaro and yuta's room.

"so you guys heard about mark, huh?" chenle asked, his head on shotaro's shoulder. the two boys were on the top bunk bed, their backs against the wall and yuta was on the chair in front of his desk.

"news spreads quickly around here," shotaro smiled.

"are you guys mad at him?" chenle looked up to meet both boys' gazes.

yuta half-shrugged. "i can understand why he did it. this whole town is so obsessed with everyone else that they forget that if they were in the same position, they'd do the same."

"kang put him in a really unfair situation." shotaro added.

"yeah but.." chenle started. "were you guys upset? he got you kicked out."

shotaro swallowed and yuta pursed his lips, both searching for the right words. "i would be lying if i said i wasn't upset for a while," shotaro said slowly. "but like i said, he was put in a really unfair situation. we all have shit lives here, chenle. some more than others. he panicked."

chenle flopped onto his side, his head now in shotaro's lap. "god, what are you so nice for? you're making me feel bad about myself."

yuta chuckled to himself. "i heard you and the others aren't friends anymore. is it because of mark?"

chenle nodded. "they're all pretty mad at him. especially jisung."

"ahh, loverboy," yuta smirked.

"loverboy?! what do you mean?!" chenle sputtered. he felt his face heating up and he prayed that yuta and shotaro wouldn't notice.

"come on, the sexual tension between you two is through the roof." shotaro rolled his eyes.

"you guys only saw him once!"

"yeah, so?" shotaro laughed.

chenle rolled his eyes. "whatever."

"you should really work this stupid argument out," yuta said. "you were so much happier with them. your eyes really.. lit up."

chenle fiddled with his sweater paws. "but.. if i do, mark will be there. i don't know if i can look at him the same way. he.. he hurt you guys."

yuta shrugged. "then ease into it. wait for it to happen naturally. but that can't start if you don't make the first step."

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