chapter 10

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Jimin pov

I sit on the couch with a pout painted on my ass really hurts. I huff when Jungkook come down stairs chuckling "Not funny!! My ass was already hurting then you turn around and pound into my ass ten times harder."

He sits beside me and drag me closer towards him. He kisses my cheek "Sorry baby, you got a whole two day's to heal then it's going to messed up again." My eyes widened. I try to get out his hold but is was useless.

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed again. Time for plan B. "Baby, im sorry?" I don't answer. "Baby..." I just sat there looking at a black TV screen. "Are ignoring me? Baby. BaBy. bAbY. BABY!" He started shaking my body while I try my hardest to not laugh.

He let go of me and stand in front of me, he then crouched down held my cheeks in his big hands. "Baby I'm sorry please forgive me, I'm really sorry. Baby, sweetie, sweetheart, honey, UGHHH answer me please." I sighed and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes again "where is Jungkook I have been waiting age's for him, I guess he is still up stairs doing school teacher stuff." He huffed and took his hands off my cheek.

"Fine be like that then, don't come crawling to me when you want cuddles." I just looked at him for a few minutes then took out my phone and started scrolling throw Instagram. He stood up and crossed his arms looking down at me.

"Ugh fine I don't care no more. I will be upstairs if you wanna talk to me again." And I just continue to scroll on my phone. He then left to go upstairs.

3 hours past

I was sitting on the couch watching a TV show I think it's called Runaways which it really good by the way. It felt like somthing was missing and I started to feel lonely. I sigh to myself. -I guess it is time to finally to talk to him-. I stand up my butt is starting to feel better but it still hurts a little.

I walk up stairs and make sure to make no noise so I won't distract him from what he is doing. I tiptoe to the bedroom door and crack it open to peak my eye throw it. I see Jungkook sitting on the bed with only gray sweat pants on looking at his phone.

I tiptoe in and close the door silently so he won't hear me and the TV is helping because it is kinda loud. I tiptoe to the bed and jump on him "I NEED TO BE NOTICED- NOTICE ME!!" I yelled while he groan by the sudden weight added on him.

"Off I was doing something, and now you need attention- no you can wait like I did for like 3 in a half hours now." He pushed me off of him and went back on his phone. I sit a the end of the bed and huff crossing my arms over my chest.

"NO! Attention now I haven't had cuddles in 3 hours, anyways why is your phone more important than me? That is rude!" He stops typing on his phone and looks at me. "You can wait and no my phone is not more important that you it is just work and the principal and stuff."

I crawl back to him and snatch his phone "Yah!" I shush him "Shut up! She can wait now cuddle me." I trow his phone on the floor followed with a loud thud "Yah that's my phone!" "Shut up." I crawl on his lap wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck koala style.

He grabbed my waist looking me in the eyes "Baby I have to email her back it can't wait she is talking about something." I whined. He sighed and placed me onto the bed beside him, he got off the bed to fetch his phone off the floor.

He got back on the bed beside me and I quickly cuddled into his side wrapping my leg's around one of his leg's with my head resting onto his chest. He chuckled at the action and started to glid his fingers though my hair making me smile as I slowly close my eyes going to take a quick nap.

I wonder what is happening...probably not even that serious...she is just emailing Jungkook? But I still wonder what she needs from Jungkook...


(A/n: sorry for the short chapter I seriously got no ideas on what to write, also there will be slow updates because I am going to real school next week so there will be slow updates slower than already are so yeh...)

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