chapter 2

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Jungkook pov

I wrote my name on the board and turn around to see a shook and confused boy.

He looked at me with wide eyes and his mouth was open, I smile and chuckle from how cute he was.

I look at the class that was staring at me and whispering stuff, most of them was girls so I decided speak up after looking around the classroom.

"So my name is Mr. Jeon, I will he your new gym teacher, be respectful and we won't have a problem, I am a strict teacher so do as you are told, don't back talk, and NEVER BE LATE, any questions" I said with a strict voice and a serious face.

Most of the girls raise their hands I pick on one of the students, " do you have a girlfriend or a wife." I shake my head.

I pick on a nother girl "Have you ever heard of teacher and student relationships?","Yes I have but that is breaking the rules so I will never date one of my students."

I pick on a girl "Your hot.","Thank you, ok one more.","Are you straight?"I shake my head and all of the girls sigh and groan.

"Ok so lets get this class started, we are just going to do stretches so if you can follow me to the track." I said while walking to the doors that lead to the track.

"Ok so we are going to start with 'downward dog' so go down in tue middle and try to touch both of your feet."

Everyone in the class nodded their heads and bent down to try to touch their feet, everyone except this one person can only touch their toes with their finger tips.

'Jimin was the most flexible boy I have ever met, I wonder what positions I can put him in-in the bed, he would p-.'

My thought was cut short by half of the class fell over because they were hurt for how long I held them in that position.

"Ok class stand back up, and spread your legs and bend over and touch your left leg, hold it for 20 seconds and switch to your other one."

The class did so, my eyes couldn't leave the cute little boy that was doing the warm ups no problem.

"Ok so next you are going to do squats, lounges, push ups, then you are going to run 3 miles on the track." I said then claped once.

They all started on their warm ups and my eyes couldn't help but look at flexible boy.

I was thinking about some stuff until a girl came up to me "Mr. Joen?" I turn around to see Jennie one of the schools bullies, and the biggest hoe in the school.

A/n: No hate to blackpink, I love blackpink sorry if you don't agree what I put their personality as in this book, they are not like that fr, just a ff, and again NO HATE TO BLACKPINK AT ALL

Of course I didn't know that because I am so clueless "Yes Jennie, what do you want?"

"I am having trouble with push ups, because I don't do them and I hear that their is a strategy to make it not hurt and more easier to do."

"And?" I said with one eyebrow up counfused what she is trying to get at. "I was wondering if you can do an example on 'somebody' to show how to do it?" She said playing with her hair

Ok now I get was she was trying to do, she was trying to get me do an inappropriate example on her, she was throwing really bad hint that she wanted me to do it one her

I acted like i didn't take the hint "Ok, fine go back in line I'll be there in a minute." I said while pointing back at the line.

She nodded her head quickly and basically ran back to the line, I shook my head at how desperate girls can be.

I know how hot I am, I know that I can make girls and boys on their knee's begging me to have sex with them, I really havent been in a lot of relationships knowing hoe people can use you just for your body.

Knowing experience for myself my first relationship was with a girl before I noticed that I like boys two, my relationship with a girl was the most worst relationship ever.

She only used me for my money, body, and the thing is that she was having an affair with my brother, and best friend.

I couldn't going anywhere without her clinging onto my arm asking for everything she sees, and she always goes for the most expensive shit.

My first relationship with a boy was good at first, but then he had to go away so we was long distance. The first month of being long distance was good we skyped everyday.

The second month we barely Skyped but we always texted each other. The third month we didn't Skype at all and barley texted, I decided to confront him about it. He left me on deliver of one whole day, when he seen it he left me on open of six hours. I thought he was going to suprise me by coming back, and that is what he did.

When I opened my front door I seen him I was going to run to him and kiss him but I looked in his hands it had a poster in one and chocolate, flowers, and a teddy bear in the other. The poster said 'WE NEED TO BREAK UP' it broke my heart and i started to sob hard.

After all of that I became more cold hearted I always yell at anyone that try and get close to me because I don't what to go though all of that again.

I gave up on love and started to focus on my caree, I always wanted to be gym teacher but know one will hire me because I want that buff. I started to work out everyday and finally got a job.

I didn't have to worry about anything that happened to me in the past until I seen Park Jimin, I felt something in my heart and I didn't like it because I had the filling before with all them other people.

I was kicked out of mt flashbacks with a special someone came to me and put his hand on my shoulder while standing in front of me.

"You ok Mr. Joen, you look out of it and ot looked like you were going to cry?" Jimin said with concern in his eyes. I nodded my head fighting back the burning in my eyes.

"Go back to the line and sit down I will tell you what to do before y'all run the track." I said with a sad smile, and he only nodded and walked to tue line and sat down like i said to.

"Ok class so Jennie said that she is having trouble with push ups, because she don't do them and she heard that their is a strategy to make it not hurt and more easier to do, and was wondering if I can do the strategy on someone, so I will choose someone to do the strategy." I looked around looking for someone to do it on. My eyes stopped on a special someone.

"Park Jimin please step forward"


Sorry for taking forever to update I was working on school but hope yall enjoy the book!!

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