Character 23

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Jimin pov

Me and Jungkook make it back to his house. Finally time to relax, i jump on the couch while Jungkook go to the kitchen. Probably to get something to eat.

"JUNGKOOK BRING ME SOME TOO!!" My back is hurting so i don't feel like getting up. "OK!" Jungkook yelled back. He comes back with some hot doritos the green bag.

-oh they be so good-

He hand me them as he got him some chips and dip as he turn on a movie....marvel movie of course. I mave so im cuddled up into his side as he snakes his arm around my waist.

I sigh and open my bag -this feels nice-
but of course not all good things last for so long...

few hours later

Me and Jungkook are still on the couch cuddling of course exchanging pecks here and there. Untill there is a loud bang on the door making me and Jungkook both jump up.

"FBI OPEN UP!" my eyes widen as i looked at Jungkook to see he is as shocked as me. "OPEN UP OR I WILL KICK THIS DOOR DOWN!! WE KNOW YOUR IN THERE JUST OPEN UP AND MAKE IT EASY FOR US!"

Jungkook goes to the door and i slowly walk behind him as he put me behind him in a protective way. He unlock the door and open it to see a policeman and others with......

Mrs. Lee!! -That little bastared-

"Your under arrest for raping one of your students and forcing yoir self on a under age young man." the police officer hand cuffed Jungkook.

"WHAT!! No he didn't force himself onto me!! I let it happen YOU CAN'T DO THIS. He didn't do anything WRONG!!" they started waking away as Jungkook was looking down letting it happen.

"Jungkook tell them it Isn't true!! STOP PLEASE!" I was a crying mess as they took Jungkook away but before they got him to their car I ran up to Jungkook.

"Why are you letting them do this tell them to stop." my voice cracked as i asked the question. "It's ok baby..Just promise to wait for me."

he smiled weakly at me as i nodd my head. A single tear came from his eyes and i quickly wipe it before it falls down his pretty face. I quickly kiss him as i know this is going to be my last kiss for a while.

"Ok thats enough brake it up." They pull Jungkook back so we can pull apart. "Bye baby." was the last thing he said as they shut the car door. I broke down.

I turn around and faced the old skank that ruined my whole life. "YOU BITCH." I was running at her but got stoped by a policeman "YOU PSYCHOPATHIC BITCH! I would KILL you right now."

"take mrs. Lee away as we don't won't any murder today." The policeman took her away as they let go of me and I ran into Jungkooks house.

I get my phone and dialed my moms number

On call
mom | Jimin


JIMIN BABY whats wrong?!?

Come home please

I'll try but tell me whats wrong

You know Jungkook


We was in a relationship and this other teacher found out about me and Jungkook and the pregnancy-

YOUR pregnanT

Mom let me finish and yes then me and Jungkook was at his house and she called the police and he got put in jail mom!!

Oh baby! Im so sorry. He will get out soon

no he won't he got charged for RAPE AND FORCING HIMSELF ON A UNDERAGE PERSON m-mom how wo-would he get out before my birthday mom, for our babys frist check up mom? How would he be here for my graduation-

Baby he will be there just don't stress its not healthy for your baby...Jimin i have to go

Ok mom love you

love you too don't stress ok


End of call

i sigh closing my phone trying to calm down as there are some new tears still streaming down my face. I decided to go lay down. I make my way to Jungkooks room and lay down on the bed felled with his scent as i wet the pillow with my tears.


(a/n: Guys i hate angst but you can't have a ff without some angst tehe but heres an update)

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