chapter 11

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Jimin pov

I wake up from my nap when I fell something beside me move, I groan and hold the person tightier. "No! Don't move. No. No. No. No. N-" my whining was cut short with his deep voice.

"No let me go I have to use the bathroom." And I just whine more. "Ugh. Fine. Hurry back." I sat up and rubbed my eyes as Jungkook go and do his business.

Jungkook come back "What time is it?" I tilt my head alittle "uhhh...-" Jungkook then pulled out his phone "-5:40" Jungkook look's at me when I sigh.

"I have to go home kook." He then pout and whine walking over torwards me. "Stay here~ it is lonely here by myself." I sigh and pull him in my embrace wrapping my arms around his neck, sitting on my nees to his level as his hands work at my waist.

"I can't I have to go home." He pouts even more as I chuckled. "Fine, I will take you home." I smile then pecked him on the lips.

I look into his eyes as he looked back into mine, I let my arm fall from his neck but he never moved his hands from my waist. "Kook let go we have to go." I chuckle at how cute he is being right now.

"Ugh fine, but can't you stay little longer and cuddle?" He make then puppy eyes at me that nobody will be able to resist. "I guess but only to, 7pm ok?" He nodded eagerly and got on the bed beside me. He lade beside me with his arms around my waist.

He slipped down so his head is at my lower stomach arms still around my waist. I smile when he grabbed my wrist and moved it to his hair to play with his hair as I did. " 'sigh' this is nice." I smiled and a 'mmm' to respond.

He moved his arm to grab the end of the hoodie and pulled it up so my stomach was showing. I giggle "what are you doing kook?" He just ignored me and let butterfly kisses on my stomach making me wiggle and laugh at how it tickles.

He stoped and chuckled "Is my princess ticklish on his stomach?" He asked looking up at me with a bunny smile. "Well yeah, but my weirdest ticklish spot is my knee." I giggle.

(A/n: weird fact I am actually ticklish on my knee."

He chuckles and closed his eyes for a minute until he opend them and look at my. "Who said to stop playing with my hair?" I chuckle and said a soft 'sorry'.


I woke up like around 8:26 -I need to go home- I shake Jungkook a little bit "Kook wake up, I have to go home." I said as softly as I can. Nothing. "Kookie come on!" I said a little louder. Nothing.

I try and wiggle out his hold but his hold just tightened around my waist. Now I just think he is nit sleeping anymore. "Jeon Jungkook your not sleep, let me go and get your lazy ass up and drive me home." I said in a stern voice.

"UGHHH." He rolled around letting go of my waist falling on the floor with a loud 'THUD' for rolling to far. He sat up straight rubbing the sleepiness out of them "what time is it" he said in his morning voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"Almost 8:40 and I have been trying to wake you up since 8:20." He slouched in his sitting spot pouting. I stand up off the bed almost falling because how weird my feet feel and my leges are not all the way awake.

I walk around the bed and helped him up. "Come on I have to go home and change then pack soooooo. HURRY!" He jumped a little when I raised my voice. I giggle and start to run dien stairs with Jungkook close behind me.

"Yah! Don't raise your voice at me BITCH!" I stopped in my tracks letting him catch up to me. Without me knowing I was on the ground with Jungkook on top of me pinning both of my wrist above my head.

"What did you just call me?" He smirked and leaned closer to my face. "I said bitch." I frowned "Don't call me out of my name you.....hoe." He chuckled.


"Dick head."



couple of minutes of saying every bad word in the book

"Go put a shirt on so we can go." I stand up off tge ground where I have been laying for a while dustung myself off. Jungkook huffed abd crossed his arms over his chest "Why~ why can't I go out like this?" He whines while pouting.

"Because it is cold out side and we don't want Mr. Jeon the best gym teacher getting sick now do we?" I do a teasing smirk. "Fine." He said not making eye contact walking upstairs. I sit on the sofa on my phone scrolling though ig waiting till he comes down stairs.

Few minutes later Jungkook comes back down with a shirt on. Kinda sad but at least he won't get sick. "Ok let's go." I stand up as he grab his coat off the hanging rack and keys from tge bowl in front of the door.

I put on my shoes and he put on his. He opend the door and moved out the way to let me go first. "Thank you." I said softly as I walked out the house first and got a 'hhmm' as a respond. He closed the door and walked towards me wrapping his arm around my waist.

I looked up at him and smile which he easily replied. He walked me to the passenger side of the car. He opend the door for me and I gave him a quick 'thank you' as I steped into the car.

He walked to the other side of the car and got in and starred the engine. He was backing up the car out of the drive way with his arm behind my seat and looking back. -man he looks so hot- without me noticing I was getting hard just by watching he drive but I couldn't help it. He was so hot.

We was out of the drive way with my halfway hard just by watching hid back up, not helping with my problem he put his hand on my bare thigh rubbing with his thumb. Him being totally obvious of my situation he just move up his hand closer and closer to my fully hard member.I pull the hoodie down more to cover it up more.

The whole ride there I was uncomfortable with the tightness in my underwear. We finally made it to my house and Jungkook hand haven't left my thigh. I looked at him and he looked at me smiling. I smiled back and grabbed his hand and moved it to the arm rest.

"Thank you for the ride." I said smiling at him. "No problem, princess." I blush at the pet name looking down. I kiss his cheek and tried to get out the car quickly but to my luck he is quicker than me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to look at him.

"What about my lips? My lips are lonely." He pretend to be sad as he faje pout. I chuckle and go to peck his lips but he didn't let me pull away.

After out makeout section I pulled away with spit going down my chin with swollen lips. "Well, I have to go now." I whispered against his lips resting my forehead on his. I looked into his eyes peaking his lips one more time and getting out.

I go inside my house straight into my room to get clothes to get into a cold shower to take care of my problem.

I get out the shower with Jungkook's hoodie on and some gray short shorts on. I plop down on my bed.

What a day!


(A/N: hope you like the chapter don't forget to vote for the chapter children!!

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