chapter 19

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jimin pov

I have been sick for the past few days and my friends are getting worried but i just got a small cold, right?

"Jimin you need to go home and see a doctor or something." Hoseok looked at me worried putting his hand on my shoulder. I sigh looking down "There is nothing wrong with me."

I jump when I hear a deep voice behind me "What are y'all be talk'n bout?" I turn around and fake smile looking up at Jungkook "ah, nothing just how fun we are having here...hehe yeah..."

"No, he be sick but don't wanna check it out because he thinks is a small cold that will go by?" I officially hate Taehyung. I roll my eyes "i'm fine really just a small cold." I look at Jungkook who has worry in his eyes.

I put my hand on him shoulder and nod my head as a message that i'm fine as he does it back. I turn around and smack Taehyung in the back of his head making him wince at the impact at the back of his head.

"Owwwwww!!" I huff and walk away with my arms crossed over my chest. I don't feel sick but my body does other wise. I walk back to my room and sit on my bed. there is only 2 days left then we go to the mountains and I just wanna go home and go in my bed and sleep.

I jump when the door opens reveling Jungkook. He walks to me sitting beside me on the bed "baby are you sure your ok." I nodded my head "I feel perfectly fine but my body just become sick."

"Maybe you do need to g-" he stops talk as i'm running to the bathroom and throw up all the food I had today. He rubs my back as a comfort and i continue until i'm done, i walk to the sink and brush my teeth as my breath sink.

 "we're not going to talk about that?" i spit the toothpaste out and wash off my toothbrush and wash my mouth out with water and spit it out. I look at him throw the mirror "I told you that i don't feel sick but this just happens out of no wher-"

I start to wobble losing my balance as i get light headed and dizzy. Jungkook came behind me fast and grabbed my waist before i could lose my balance. "Baby i'm going to tell them you need to go home."

I shake my head "then I'll be alone, I don't wanna be alone." he walks me back to my bed and lays me down taking my shoes off "You want because i'm going to be there. I'm going to make an excuse to leave and i'm going to be taking care of you."

"No you can't do have to stay here....." my voice breaks off as the darkness consume me.

Jungkook pov

-I'll make sure your ok i have to take care of you-

"I love you baby." I kiss his forehead and tuck him in and leave


(A/N: welpppp this is this chapter i'm pretty sure y'all know what is happening already 😅short chapter but yeh hope you enjoyed it)

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