chapter 5

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(A/N: Each chapter I will try and put aleast 2000 words in or more.)

Jimin pov

"Oh, Jungkook how did you get my number?" I saie a little confused.

"I have my ways." He said though the phone and I can just fell that he is smirking.

After a long nigh talking to Jjk

I woke up around 5:58am with a little drool coming from my mouth and a little on the pillow. I rub my eyes so the I can see and everything wont be blurry, as soon as I can see and smell stuff I released that I had a long phone call with my gym teacher. One thing I don't remember is ending the call.

I hear soft low snores coming from my phone that was on 100% because it was on the charger all night but it was also over heating because how long it was on while on the charger "Jungkook are you there?" I said in my morning voice cringing on how it sounded.

Soon the low snoring stopped and I heard something moving on the other end "Hello?" I heard from the phone knowing it was Jungkook even though he had his morning voice that sent shivers down my a good way.

"Yeah I think we didn't end the call, we fell asleep instead." I said without my morning voice. "Oh yeah, well we might as well get up before we are late. See you at school." He said still with his morning voice.

"Yeah, see you at school." And with that I hung up plopping my face back down in the pillow, after a few minutes I realized that I will be late because class starts at 8 and it is 6:32 and I take a long time to get dressed.

I jump up and run to my closet and pick out a plan big white T-shirt with some light blue- blue jean's, I rush to the bathroom and turn on the hot water with a little bit of cold so my skin wont burn.

After like 10 minutes of the shower I get out and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist while another one in my hands going through my hair to dry it. After drying my hair and myself I dress up, brush my hair, my morning skin care, and brush my teeth.

When I am all done it is 7:41 and Taehyung is already in my kitchen eating breakfast my mom made "Befriend finally we are going to be late!" And with that the blue headed boy dragged me oit of my house before I can say anything.

We were running down the hill where we always go down when we are go to school, our first class is P.E and I really don't wont to be late. As soon as we go there the bell rung signaling that class it starting in 2 minutes, we ran to our locker's and made sure we put all our books in.

The harsh thing is that gym is on the other side of the school, we started running to the gym and soon all the halls was empty only loud footsteps running as fast a they can. Tae and I bust open the two doors as soon as the second bell rung signaling that classes are starting.

We walk in panting and bowed slightly towards Jun- Mr. Jeon "Sorry we are late, woke up late." I said with all the breath I had in me, "It is ok, make sure it doesn't happen again if it happens again detention for both of you." Mr. Joen said in a strict voice.

"Yes sir." Me and Taehyung said united "Ok go change into your gym clothes and join the line so I could tell you I what we are doing." He said with a small smile.

Me Tae both nodded amd ran to the boys locker room "Dude you know what can't get out of my head." Tae said with a huge smile on his face "What?" I said a little confused.

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