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🛑⚠️This chapter is going to be heavily song based, sorry if you don't like that. There will be more songs as we continue, but maybe like one per chapter or less even. ⚠️🛑

All the kids were gathered in the music room waiting for you and Artemis to come. They were all there except Ray,Norman, and Emma, they were busy trying to talk Artemis out of getting shipped. Their plan wasn't completely started and was in pieces, but they would still try it if it meant she got to live. You were in the library. You browsed through the collection of books until you stopped at a thick black novel. You pulled it out to examen the cover to notice the gold crest of a bird on it. You remember Ray recommended you read that book when you were younger, but you always hated reading. You had no clue how the ravenette did it all day. Instead of putting it down though, you picked it up and set it down on the table waiting for your sister to call you.

"(Y/n)!" The shout came from further down the hall. "Come on let's play a song" you hummed in reply even though you knew she wouldn't hear it. You set the novel down and make your way to the music room.

"Yay! They are going to play a song!" The kids shouted as you entered the room.

"What took you guys so long? The kids were being to think you weren't going to do it" Momma asked you as she patted your heads.

"Just saying some last goodbyes... you said we were leaving right after the concert anyways" Artemis said while trying to hold a smile, but it wasn't working. You could see the pain and sadness that was on her face, she tried to hide it but it was coming all out. She didn't say a single word, all she did was hug you and whisper an apology in your ear. You didn't know what she was apologizing for, but you accepted it anyways and returned the hug.

"Come on, Sing! Sing! Sing!" The kids chanted as they were growing impatient and antsy. You went up to the piano and sat down ready to play as Artemis sat beside you. She wasn't facing the piano or the kids, she was staring directly out the window looking at the stars in the sky.

Bold is you, italics is Artemis, underline is together.

Once I was four years old, my mama told me
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely
Once I was four years old

It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker
Just by six braiding hair and drinking burning coffee
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure
Once I was six years old, my brother told me
Go get yourself a friend or you'll be lonely
Once I was six years old

I always had that dream like my sister before me
So I started writing songs, I started writing stories
Something about the glory, just always seemed to bore me
'Cause only those I really love will ever really know me
Once I was 11 years old, my story got told
Before the morning sun, when life was lonely
Once I was 11 years old
I only see my goals, I don't believe in failure
'Cause I know the smallest voices, they can make it major
I got my friends with me atleast those in favor
And if we don't meet before I leave, I hope I'll see you later
Once I was 11 years old, my story got told
I was writing 'bout everything, I saw before me
Once I was 11 years old

Soon we'll be 12 years old, our songs have been sung
We've traveled around the house and we're still roaming
Soon we'll be 12 years old

I'm still learning about life
My Momma brought children for me
So I can sing them all my songs
And I can tell them stories
Most of my friends are with me
Some are still out seeking glory
And some I had to leave die
Young Conny I'm still sorry

Distraction || Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now