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"That's right. We should cooperate, so we can both achieve our goals." Krone insisted with open arms. "You lot want to escape and I want to become the Mom of this house. I want to drag Isabella down from her position as Mom and seize the position for myself."

"Mom's position?"

"Yeah, she initially wanted to become a mom, but they only saw her fit to be a sister" You spoke up after calming down.

"Just to clarify, those are my true intentions. I also want to break free from this situation." Sister Krone then went on to clarify more things about the house and how the role of Mothers and Sisters work. While this was new information for the others, you were trying to figure out Krone's true plans. You already knew she wanted to ship you guys off and bring down Isabella, but what was the reason to join forces with all the children. " I won't get in your way. Escape. That will be beneficial for me."

"You're not going to ship us out?" Gilda asked and it brought you out of your thoughts.

"I won't," Krone said with confidence, but that's when you saw her plan. She just wanted more information than what you were giving her, so this is her way of getting the information herself. Even though she hasn't thought ahead of Isabella, she has thought ahead of you guys, or so she thought. "Let's cooperate! So (y/n) is that a deal." She said while beaming. While Don and Gilda were worried about your answer, Norman and Emma seem relaxed. They had faith in you and whatever decision you chose, they would wrap that around their plan. You thought it over a bit before looking down and giving Sister a killer smile. She seemed pleased as she gave a light smile back. "Let's work together." You were about to shake her hand when Emma interrupted.

"Wait," The petite ginger said while stepping between you and Sister. "Let me verify one thing with Sister,"

"Yeah, sure go ahead," You said falling out of your ominous state.

"What is it?" Krone asked.

"What's your guarantee that you won't betray us?" Emma stated as she developed the ominous gaze that just left you. After hearing her question, Krone decided to get smug with your group.

"You won't trust me?" She asked while holding an offended smile.

"Just answer her question, Krone!" You snapped back. You were getting sick of her antics and wanted to end this conversation as quickly as possible.

"It's Ray and You. If Ray tells this to Mom, you can crush me. But if I tell Mom that Ray's been a double agent and that (Y/n) isn't as innocent as she thought, I can crush you. That's why neither of us will betray the other. We can't. That's fine, right?" she said bending, so she could reach her height.

"I think we can trust her for now, Emma," you said while grabbing her shoulder.

"Okay," She said even though she was a bit hesitant.

"Then we have a deal." She stated as she outstretched her hand again waiting for any of you to take it. In the end, Norman ended sealing the deal with Sister. "I'll also share any other information that I know. It's proof of my goodwill. Why don't you come to my room tonight?" she happily said before jogging off back to the house.




"She wants to live the best possible life, huh?" the ginger began, "Even she was one of us, too. She doesn't care at all about the lives of us children!"

"But she said she won't ship us out," Gilda asks.

"It's not that she won't. She can't." the albino added.

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