The 11 year old trio was out in the forest discussing plans again while the lone twin sat under the tree reading a novel Ray recommended. As usual Isabella was inside doing chores and supervising from afar while Krone was more hands on. As she played with the little kids around her.
"So? How did the plan with the ropes go?" The ginger asked as they entered the clearing. "Was there progress on the source of information?"
"Actually.." Norman was about to explain before he got cut off.
"Oh that? I'm the traitor." The ravenette said calmly trying not to drag (y/n) into this.
"So it was you? Why didn't you say that before!" Norman asked shocked at the boy in front of him.
" didn't trust y/n and I had to clear a few thing up"
"Wait, what!" The ginger asked confused.
"I'm mom's informant."
"IT WAS YOU?!" The ginger said accusingly, but she wasn't quite sure what to do with this new information. "Sorry for that reaction, but I still don't understand." She said while holding her head. The information was too much for her to process at this time. Everything she thought to be true was thrown out the window. "So it's not (Y/N)?"
"No. She said she did that to get try and get rid of Sister Krone" the boy lied as he didn't really know the true reason, but he wanted to get the heat off her.
"Ok let me explain!" The albino boy shouted trying to move the meeting along.
Back with (Y/N)
"(Y/n)! Could you be a dear and help me with the laundry?" Sister asked from across the field. You didn't really want to help her, but you had to keep up the illusion of being on her side so you went to meet her.
"Yea..what's up"
"Time to discuss plans" she said while scrubbing the bed sheets.
"Out in broad daylight? Do you think these things out?" You questioned her as you rolled up your sleeves. Mama was still watching from the windows, so you had to look like you were doing something.
"We need to keep Isabella on her toes, if we constantly meet at night she will easily know our plans." She stated sounding confident in herself. "You said it yourself, she's always one step ahead of us. But I'm three steps ahead of her." You deadpanned as she didn't even try to be humble.
"Anyways...what's the plan?"
"We need evidence of your friends' little escape plan" she said in a deep sinister tone.
"W..why do you need that?"
"Don't be foolish (n/n). People won't believe such big claims without evidence." You practically gagged as she tried to be buddy buddy with you. No really ever called you by your nickname except Artemis and occasionally Ray.
"That's not what I meant. If you want to get rid of Isabella, why not just notify them now. The longer you wait, the more useless this little piece of evidence is going to be." You said while handing her a bedsheet to hang up. "Like you said, you don't know if they are working together...still don't know who they are, but if they hypothetically are, having evidence is just going to get you killed." Sister seemed a bit put off by your words as she hesitantly hung up the last bedsheet.
"What makes you think your right about all this."
"Haven't you seen how calm Isabella is?" You blatantly asked her. "If you want to take down the enemy, you also got to see how they move. Working under them isn't going to help you with jack. This is a games of chess not checkers. While you are out here attacking, Isabella has a sound defense that you can't get through. You left all your important pieces exposed, so all Isabella has to do is wait until you blunder, and it seems like you already have."

Distraction || Ray x Reader
FanfictionTwo twins get shipped to the same farm at birth by mistake. Some rules have to be overlooked to take care of these twins properly. They age like every other kid except they are high quality like Ray, Emma, and Norman. What will happen when one twin...