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As you enter Krone's room, you see Gilda in there. The both of them looked very shocked to see you, but you chose to ignore it. You just wanted to talk to her at the moment and nothing was going to stop you.

"(Y/n)..?" The girl with green haired asked. You just hummed in response to her." What are you doing here?"

"Came to talk, nothing more nothing less" you spoke bluntly. You had so much you wanted to say in so little of time. The thoughts kept whizzing by as the two of them wasted your time.

"Well Gilda... come back when you think she might be lying to you" Krone said as she pushed Gilda out of the room. " have a wonderful night."

"What was that about?" You asked. "You usually don't speak to the others this late at night."

"I had some important information to discuss, but it seems like she knows nothing."

"About the farm? Why are you so worried about it. Isabella said she'll handle it, so let her handle it."

"The whole point is to crush her plans (Y/N)."

"Wow by crushing her plans, isn't she always one step ahead of everyone! If you keep acting like this, you'll get yourself killed." You snapped back at her. Even though she was kind of your 'therapist' you had to keep her in line from time to time.

"You just don't get it... (Y/N)"

"Yeah...I just don't get it do I? If I got I could be able to get you out right here, right now. If I got it I would know who those kids are right?! But only if I fucking got it Right! Sadly I don't... I'm treated like a pawn in everyone's plans, I know you'll ship me out Krone.... I might always be caught up in my thoughts, but I'm not stupid."

She didn't say a word to me at that point. She triggered something in you, but she didn't know what exactly. You've never looked this crazy before, it was like you could end thousands of lives with a quick snap of your fingers.

"I know what everyone in this damn house is freaking planning Krone... everyone one but Isabella. Isn't that enough proof that she is ahead of us, is it wrong to not want you to die? You want to fucking ship us out, but here I am still talking to you. This is the bit of sanity I have left, I can't lose anyone else...even if it is an enemy." You say while crumbling to the floor. You didn't even get to talk to her about what you wanted. You just kept trying to find a way for Krone to listen, but it is only survival in this world.

"(Y/n)...if you knew better, you would know we do all this for survival. You're just a child, know you can help me or get shipped off like the rest of those brats"

"You know what Sister.





you have a deal"

-Emma POV-

I was finishing up talking to Gilda about what happened when she started to talk about (Y/N). Yeah, she wasn't in her bed, but why would she need to talk with Krone...she's the enemy. I refuse to believe (Y/N) is the traitor we are looking for, maybe Krone just wanted to meet with her too.

"Why would she need to talk with Krone." Gilda asked me with concern painted on her face.

"I really don't know, but for now we should sleep before she comes back in here." I decided before hearing footsteps creak toward the door.

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