"Then, Ray, you knew what was going to happen to Conny that day?"
You guys knew about Artemis"Emma and Norman, you both tried to trick us and take us out into a world full of enemies?" Don was getting overwhelmed with his emotions, he was on the verge of breaking down but was also full of anger. Out of nowhere laughs came out of his mouth, he was full-blown hysterical while the others looked away. That's when
He punched Norman.
The others were getting up worried for their friends. Getting up to check up on Norman, and trying to calm Don down proved to be futile.
"You're kidding me!"
"Hey, Don!" Ray said while trying to speak to the boy. Once again
He punched Ray.
Don was still overwhelmed with anger as he picked Emma up by her collar. He threatened to punch her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He knew they didn't mean any harm by it, but their actions still hurt him.
"Are we that much of a burden? Are we that weak and useless to you that you feel the need to protect us? That time, when you asked us to help you, I thought you were relying on us... Was that a lie?" "We're not as smart as you three. We're not, but still...aren't we family? Aren't we siblings? I just want you to have a little faith in us!... Sorry, I'm acting a little weird right now. I'm going to go cool off."
"Don..." Gilda said before following after him.
"I was wrong," Emma muttered.
"That's not it. I'm just taking it out on them. I'm not frustrated because they treated us like weaklings. I made them lie. I couldn't do anything for Conny and the others. I'm ignorant and powerless. It's frustrating because I really am a weakling. It's so frustrating! I want to become stronger."
"Yeah," Gilda said approaching him.
"But you are strong." You said stepping out of the house. " I heard what you said in there Don."
"No, I'm not (Y/n)."
"You were just as close to Conny as I was with Artemis, heck I was closer with Artemis. I found out the secret through lies too. You're handling this just fine Don." You said kneeling next to him. "If anything you are not the weak link, you're just a strong as the rest of them. I'm the weak one Don." You said with tears pricking your eyes, you didn't want to cry in front of them, but you couldn't stop yourself.

Distraction || Ray x Reader
FanfictionTwo twins get shipped to the same farm at birth by mistake. Some rules have to be overlooked to take care of these twins properly. They age like every other kid except they are high quality like Ray, Emma, and Norman. What will happen when one twin...