A couple of nights later...
'(Y/n)' the voice kept calling out to you. It's been driving you crazy the past few days as you don't know where it's coming from. You would ask Ray or the others about it, but you didn't want to seem crazy around them. You ended up going to the one person that wouldn't judge you.
"Phil why are you in the storage room at this time?" You question the boy as he sat on the bottom shelf. You waited a few minutes but he was unresponsive until you touched his shoulder. "Phil?"
"Huh!" He gasped before calmed down at the sight of you."when did you get here?"
"Just now." You giggle at the 4 year old. "Why are you in here?" You asked again as the boy looked away from you.
"I had a nightmare..." he said before grasping your hand. "You weren't in your bed and Ray is sleeping in the library...so I went somewhere where I could be in the light."
"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked as you sat next to the trembling boy shaking his head. "Ok...I won't pry into it, but you can always come talk to me remember that" you said as you hugged the boy.
"Why were you searching for me" the boy asked while still in your embrace.
"Have you ever heard any....voices?" You asked.
"What kind of voices?"
"Like ghostly voices that you can't quite attach to a face?"
"No...but what are they saying" the boy looked more intrigued as this conversation went on.
"It not like they are saying much, they just keep calling out my name and I don't know what to do." You said as you got up and starting pacing. "I mean a guess before the voice told me to tell him...but then IT SLAPPED ME!" You said recalling this fact as Phil giggled.
"Maybe it's more than a voice?" Phil started "an apparition perhaps since demons are real...have you tried talking to it?"
"I've never tried....but what would I even say?"
"Just find out what it wants, or why it won't reveal itself to you yet" Phil said with stars in his eyes.
"You seem way to excited about this." You giggled. "What books have you been reading?"
"Mystery and fiction books" he said as he motioned for you to pick him up. "Let's go on an adventure!"
"Right now?!" You questioned the boy who vigorously nodded his head.
" I want to meet the ghost!"
"How do I ev...."
'(Y/n)' the voice called out again sending shivers down your spine.
"Did you hear that Phil?"
"No...there was just cold wind. Maybe we should follow it!" He suggested as he took the lead.
"Phil wait! Why would you go outside at this time without a light source?"
"Oh yea." He said as he waited for you to catch up. "Try speaking to it now."
"Alright...here goes nothing." You prepared yourself. 'Hello? Anybody there?'
'Forest' was the only thing it said as you picked up Phil and gave him the lantern.
"What did it say?" He questioned before lookin back at the dark orphanage.
"Forest, maybe it's waiting there for us" you said as your traversed through the trees and the fallen logs. You kept on walking until you reached the small gate Momma told you to never cross.

Distraction || Ray x Reader
FanfictionTwo twins get shipped to the same farm at birth by mistake. Some rules have to be overlooked to take care of these twins properly. They age like every other kid except they are high quality like Ray, Emma, and Norman. What will happen when one twin...