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(June 9th 2019)

The Woods

*Skylar and Zoey moved into their apartment a few weeks ago, and the dogs are still a little restless, but other than that, it's been good. Skye is still unpacking some of her clothes and pulls out her favorite XPLR sweatshirt when she thinks up a fun idea for tonight's vlog channel. Zoey is still asleep, so Skye takes the opportunity to let the dogs out.*

"Come on, Gotham and Biscuit." Skylar loudly whispers to them as they trot towards her. She clips the leads on and heads out the door. Walking down the hall, she bumps into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" Skylar said apologetically

"No, it's fine." "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" A male voice says

*Skylar looks up, and sees a pair of ocean blue eyes looking at her, and he was cute. He helps her up and walks off. After that, she heads outside and lets the dogs do their business, then heads back inside to the apartment to wake up Zoey.*

*It's now like 9 a.m., and Skylar orders some Starbucks with Uber Eats, then heads to wake up Zoey.*

"Zo, wake up. I ordered coffee"

*Zoey darts up* "Yes, caramel macchiato, right!" She says excitedly

"Yep, I also have an exciting story to tell you"

*As she says that, there is a knock on the door, and the dogs start to bark, so Skye grabs the dogs and puts them in her room, and then opens the front door. The guy hands her the drinks and food and then leaves. She runs back over to her room and opens the door, so the dogs could come back out. After that, Skye and Zo eat, and the dogs do too. Then they planned out the day.*

Time Jump

"So, what's the 'exciting' story?" Zo said with a smirk, sitting in the car.

"Um... Well, I ran into a really cute guy, but I barely even glanced at him." Skylar responded while driving her truck down Rodeo drive.

"Mhm, sure you didn't just glance at him," Zo said sarcastically while laughing her head off.

"I did just glance at him, ok." She said, laughing at Zo's comment.

"So where are we going exactly," Zo mentioned avoiding the other topic.

"Walmart... I thought I already told you this, Zo." Skylar laughed at Zo's forgetfulness.

"Yes, you did, but you didn't mention why we're going," she said, confused.

"I'll tell you later," Skylar said bluntly.

*They finally got to Walmart, parking the truck and walking into the store with a shopping cart and a list in Zo's hand*

"Why is there a bunch of camping supplies written down on the list?" Zo asks confused, staring at the list

"Well, we're going camping" Skylar said with no emotion at all

"Where though, Skye?" Zo says, still confused

"It's a surprise, ok" Skye says, clearly annoyed by all the questions

*It was quiet after Skye said that. They got all the items they needed, along with food and drinks, and they headed to the car when Skye broke the silence*

"Hey Zo" Skye says calmly.

"Yeah, Skye" Zo responds.

"Can you start recording on my camera, please" Skye asks with puppy dog eyes

"I'm not falling for that, but I will record" She said smiling

*Skye and Zo did the intro and said where they were going. After about 30 minutes of driving, they got there and noticed a red Toyota Corolla parked, so they moved to a different area where there were no people, so it would be quiet for the video. After the girls parked the car, they got out and opened the back door to let the two dogs out after being in the car for a while. Skylar pulls out the camera and turns it on to start filming again*

"Hey guys, so we made it to Witches Forest, and we are about to set up camp" Skylar speaks to the camera while holding Gotham's leash in the other hand

*In the distance*

"COLBY!!! COME BACK TO THE FIRE!!!" Sam yells as Corey paces back and forth while Jake is sitting there eating his gummy bears.

*Skye and Zo sit there and hear screaming off in the distance. Gotham starts barking and growling at something that had run past. Then Biscuit starts as well. The two girls start freaking out and cussing under their breath. All of a sudden, Gotham manages to slip off his collar and take off running in the direction of the thing that had run past*

"Damn it! Gotham, get your ass back here!" Skye yells, clearly pissed off that her dog ran off and is not listening to her

"Skye, where the hell are you going? You're not going to leave me here by myself, are you?!?!" Zo says frantically while standing up and holding Biscuit's leash, keeping her put

"No, you have your dog, now stay here and be quiet ok!" Skye says, trying not to scream at her best friend

"Ok, ok," Zoey continues to freak out

"I'll be right back!" As Skye runs off after her dog

Back to the boys

"Oh my god, Colby, you scared us. Where did you run off too," Sam says, relieved that his friend is ok.

"I saw a person or a shadow run by and followed them down the trail." Colby pants, out of breath from sprinting back.

*The next thing they know, there is a wolf-looking type of thing staring at them and growling. They start yelling at it to go away, but out of nowhere, a girl comes sprinting over and grabs the "so-called monster," calming it down*

"I'm so sorry he's never like this. He's usually very nice." Skylar tells them as she puts the collar and leash on her dog.

*After she looks up and notices that it's the guy she bumped into when she was taking the dogs out earlier that morning*

"No, it's fine. We are just a little paranoid from what happened to us earlier." Sam tells the brunette girl standing in front of him and his friends.

"Oh ok, well, I'm Skylar, and this is Gotham, my German Shepherd" She tells the blonde politely

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sam. This is Jake, Corey, and Colby." Sam points to all of them

"Sup" Jake greets.

"Hi" Corey says.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Colby randomly blurts out.

*Sam was quick to elbow Colby's side, noticing him staring at the girl. Colby snaps out of it, quickly glaring at Sam. But what broke the silence was Skylar's dog barking at a figure walking over*

"What the hell is that!" Corey screams

*making all of us look up from our place to see what he is looking at*

"Umm... I don't know," Skye squealed

*Skye heard a familiar voice laughing at her, and she realized that it was Zoey standing there. At that moment, she realized, she was gone a little more than needed to grab her dog*

"Umm... Skye, come on, let's go back." Zoey said, pulling her out of her thoughts and back to reality...

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