Chapter 39: Two Tents For A Reason

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(July 2021)

On the Drive Home In Sam's Car


"Let's go camping!" "I see that the turn's coming up in a quarter mile" Sam randomly suggests

"But they probably want to go home" Zoey laughs looking back at Skye and Colby driving behind them
"Oh they look madd" Zoey says cringing

"Perfect reason for me to take this turn" Sam smiles, sharply pulling over to the turning lane

Skye's Truck

"Skye are you even going to talk about what happened?..." Colby questions

"..." Skye stays silent focusing on the road and Sam and Zoey's car in front of her
"Where the fuck is he going?!" Skye misses the turn

"You missed the fucking turn" Colby points out

"Obviously, I don't know what your best friend was thinking just stopping"

"Sam is your friend too" "Just because your mad at me for beating Milo's ass, doesn't mean you can just act like your not friends with him" Colby huffs

"Actually it was more like the other way around, he beat your ass" Skye slams on the breaks turning her truck around and speeds towards Sam

"Jesus Christ, Skye!" Colby braces himself by grabbing the dashboard
"I'm sorry Milo thought it was okay too get involved in our argument" Colby says unapologetically sarcastic

"He was pissed that you pushed me"
"He KNOWS what happened too me, he was just standing up for me, OKAY" Skye retorts

"I know SHIT!" "Apparently you've told your best friend more then your fucking boyfriend!" Colby raises his tone

"..." Skye grits her teeth

*Skye takes the same road as Sam*

"There they are" Colby taps on the window

*They park next to Sam and Zoey and get out of the truck ignoring their argument moments before*

"Why'd you guy's stop here?" Skye says a little annoyed from before

"Uhh...we wanted to stop and stay the night here" Sam suggests happily

"We don't have any camping supplies..." Colby says uninterested

"Yes we do" "I have a tent in the back of my truck" Skye says proving Colby wrong on purpose

"Okay then, we don't have sleeping bags or things to sleep in a tent with" Colby tries to come up with another excuse to not camp

"I have two sleeping bags in my car from awhile ago" "We can just share those" Sam brings up

"Okay, great" Colby rolls his eyes

"Is there something wrong between you two?..." Zoey senses their feelings

"Mm no, she's just irritated from partying to hard" Colby fake smiles

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