L O V E part 2

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"What is done in love is done well..."


"Child, how long will you keep them waiting?"

I look up at my mom questioningly as she sat down next to me . I was seated on the grass while leaning on the trunk of a huge tree that offered shade from the sun. My mom and dad... they took me to this place after they found me sitting on a bench along the road. It was overlooking the majestic sea. It was weird because I remember having panic attacks at the sight of it but now I felt calm as I watched the waves crawling gently towards the shore.

"Keep them waiting?" My brows knitted into a frown. I was confused at who my mom was talking about.

"You have to remember child..." she said with a sad smile as she gave me a gentle pat on the head.

"You know, we love and miss you a lot... but this place, you don't belong here." My dad who also sat next to me gave my hand a tight squeeze then continued, "... listen closely and you'll hear them." He smiled encouragingly at me.

I smiled back at my parents, leaned back and rested my head at the tree trunk before closing my eyes. I can feel the wind blowing against my hair and skin. I can hear the waves rushing, creating music of their own. It reminded me of that time when I was in an island watching the waves while enjoying the warmth from the bonfire and the person next to me whose arms were wrapped around me. Back then, I thought I was in paradise. The feeling and the place... it was pure bliss. The corners of my lips turned upwards into a smile as I continued to listen more attentively.

"Why is she not waking up yet?" Who?

"It's been almost a month..." A month...?

"Am I being punished for treating my woman unfairly?" What are they talking about?

"For your family's sake, you should take better care of yourself. Look at you!" What's happening?

"Sungjae, I brought your daughter." D-daughter...?

I heard some sniffing followed by a baby's cry. B-baby? Is that my baby crying? My eyes flung wide open as it focused on my parent's faces. They were smiling back at me. I remember now.

"Go now child, they're waiting for you." Mom gave me a tight hug and kissed me on the cheek. My dad did the same but kissed me on my forehead, "We're always watching over you..." 

Slowly, my vision of mom and dad's reassuring faces faded as a blinding light surrounded me and took me back to where I'm supposed to be – back home.


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in this familiar room... the white walls, the distinct scent of disinfectant and the beeping sounds welcomed me. My eyes wandered towards the open window. The gentle wind danced with the curtain as the birds chirped happily outside.  My body feels stiff, how long have I slept? I feel weak that I can't even pull these tubes connected to me. It feels uncomfortable. A snore distracted me from looking around the room. Leaning on the side of the bed was Sungjae, his head was resting on the bed facing me.  I reached out and softly touched his warm cheeks. I noticed he lost some weight.  His snoring stopped and his eyelids fluttered as he slowly opened his eyes. Shock was written all over his face followed by guilt then relief. He sighed then kissed my forehead before pressing a button beside the bed. I want to talk but the tubes are hindering me from doing so. I hope they remove it as soon as possible. Familiar faces gathered around me, I had a feeling when I woke up that I was at B Island's facility and I was right. Sungjae left my side to allow the doctors and nurses to check on me. I was not really paying much attention to what the doctors were saying because a part of me was confused and the other part of me wants to pull out these freaking tubes. I lifted my hand once again in an attempt to free myself from the tubes but was distracted at the sight of a ring in my finger. My mind might be a bit hazy but I'm sure that it's my first time seeing this ring.

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