29. Firsts time ruins.

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The bedsheet shuffled as a figure moved slightly under the quilts. Jimin slowly opened his eyes, stretching his hands slightly but then his hand caught something, he looked on his side, a smile automatically creeping on his face seeing the alpha sleeping soundly. It was morning already, slowly with his right hand jimin caressed the alpha's brown hair.

Jungkook looked really peaceful and innocent like a child, it was hard for jimin to believe that they did it yesterday. It was his first time, so it did pain him a bit but after that it was just pure pleasure that jimin has never experienced in his life. The knot deflated long before, and jimin could feel the dry cum on his skin. His cheeks reddened as he remembered the events of the previous day.

Surely the first time wasn't what he imagined but still it was good, he knew it wasn't the most good time and situation. Jungkook's broken state torn his heart yesterday, and he swored to himself that he will protect the alpha, his alpha.

Jimin didn't even realize when he spaced out, "what are you thinking about?" Jungkook's sudden voice almost scared jimin, taking a breath jimin turned to the alpha, bringing him more closer than he already was, Jungkook's hands too wrapped around Jimin, "nothing" jimin smiled side to side, cupping the alpha's face in between his hands.

"Really?" Jungkook inquired again, pulling jimin closer until Jimin had his head against Jungkook's chest while jungkook sniffed on Jimin's soft brown hair. Jimin smiled saying yes.

The sun rays lit up the room giving it a bright yellow color, it was warm and cozy, it was almost 7 AM.

"I know yesterday wasn't the best. Sorry for that. I was just too emotional, I couldn't focus." The sudden unwanted apology from jungkook made jimin embarrassed. "No it was fine. It was my first time." Jimin said as a matter of fact, "I know and still I messed up." The alpha knew it.

"It really was fine. Don't worry about that." Jimin said looking up at the alpha and giving him a smile that can lighten up anyone's mood, "you're right. Anyways we will have plenty of time to make it perfect." Jungkook winked mischievously at jimin and jimin just hit Jungkook's chest.

"You're a pervert." Jimin muttered, turning his back on jungkook, "okay sorry!" Jungkook chuckled a little, enveloping jimin in his embrace, hands slowly caressing Jimin's waist, while his other hand was under Jimin's head acting like a pillow. Jimin smiled putting his hand on top of the alpha's.

"I am sorry." Jimin suddenly said out of nowhere, the alpha stared at Jimin's back confusingly, his hand stopped caressing the omega's skin. "I am sorry you had to go through all that, I never thought that they are like that. I never even suspected anything or tried to help you with your trauma, you suffered for so long and I didn't even know. I am sorry." A fresh pair of tear rolled down from Jimin's eyes.

"Don't be sorry for what you haven't done. You could've done nothing because I wouldn't have let you. Don't feel bad for something that didn't even involve you because it really is very useless." Jungkook said, his hands coming up to Jimin's eyes, wiping off the tears that escaped.

"Why did you not seek help from someone?" Jimin asked, turning to the alpha, "I did and it wasn't of any use. My parents were too powerful. No one was willing to help me. Most of the people then didn't even know a second child of Jeon family existed." Jungkook answered.

"And even if I did that, would it have made any difference? Will they love me? I don't even know that so how can I do something. Tell me what should I do?" Jungkook replied, his poor soul had attempted everything, nothing helped. Literally nothing. It just made it worse.

"Talk to them. Tell them everything. Everything you ever wanted to say. Even if they don't understand anything. Just say it. Let it out. And then if you have to cut off ties, then do it. Because that will be worth it." Jimin didn't care if he sounded rude in regards of Jungkook's family. That family doesn't deserve jungkook.

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