32. Forgive?

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"Ready?" Jimin's soft voice caught jungkook by surprise as he was too caught up in his own thoughts. Various thoughts mingled in his mind having different conclusions, some good and some terrible that he doesn't want to face. He was trying very hard to not reach into conclusions very soon but his heart wasn't following his mind. Today will decide everything. Exactly what is needed to be done.

"I think so." Jungkook replied looking up at the gorgeous omega with a bright encouraging smile that never leaves his face, jimin smiled softly and sat near the alpha, taking Jungkook's hand in his rather small ones, squeezing softly. "I am with you." He reassured, laying his head on Jungkook's shoulder and looking out the window of their car.

"I know." Jungkook smiled, doing the same as jimin. It was settling in his heart, the hot fire was slowly picking up a steady pace, a perfect one; this is going to be big, but somewhat it doesn't feel like that. Maybe because jimin is with him. It really feels like it's nothing, as if it's really not a big deal. Today will mark whether he will leave his family or not.

Pondering on that won't help, jungkook knows it and so he stopped his ironical thinking, and focused on the beautiful soul sitting next to him, someone he needed. It was so reassuring that jungkook wasn't afraid of getting hurt today because he knows that he will have this person to hold onto. Jimin will be by his side like a savior. He was sure of getting his heart mended by jimin. And that was what keeping him courageous.


"Jungkook, you aren't serious? Are you?" The nervousness floated inside all of the threes, seeing the calm and serious expression on jimin and Jungkook's face wasn't helping. Just what did jungkook mean? It's not true, right?

"Yes I am very serious. I have decided I will break my relation with you and the whole of Jeon family, I will work as an individual. I have enough support already from companies other than jeons. Your help won't be necessary from now on. My company can function just well without your contributions. Don't worry you will get your deserved share, this house and the property in China and our jewelry company, I have named those to you. And for the rest, it is under my name and i won't be changing that. Jonghyun can have half of the family company and property if he wants. Jeon Ltd is mine, nothing from it will be shared. I hope you have understood." Jungkook professionally said, his voice wasn't hesitant, it was firm.

Mrs jeon was out of words, just what is jungkook trying to do? Jonghyun was understanding some parts of what jungkook meant but still couldn't understand why. Mr Jeon was well known on what this was about. He has seen this coming. Seeing his son like a different person. He has grown up.

"But why jungkook?" Such a dumb question that jungkook wanted to laugh at it. Did they really not get it or are they just pretending to be ignorant? Even if they are pretending, just what is the point? It's not like jungkook has forgotten everything. It won't make a difference, the damage has been done.

"I think you know it better than me. I don't think it's necessary for me to make you understand just what I mean." Jungkook scoffed, sliding back on the couch comfortably, glancing at jimin whose eyes were fixed at Jungkook's family's amused faces.

He really is expecting something, isn't he? Not everyone is kind like you jimin.

"But jungkook, you can't cut off relation with us! We are your family, your mom, dad and brother." Mrs jeon shouted almost, all the while completely ignorant of how jungkook was smiling. That sentence was so strange for jungkook. Something he haven't heard very often. Something that he never understood the meaning of. And whose fault was it? Definitely not his.

"Don't disrespect that word mom. And you know very well of what kind of a family this is. Don't even try to make me believe that you're my family. A family isn't like ours, selfish. You all are just some strangers that I had to face since i was born. It was my fate, I accepted it because I didn't have any choice back then but now I do. I won't be tied to you all on a non existent string called family. I don't need such a family. It's better we break it off." Jungkook's sarcasm had all the three of them cower their head low in embarrassment and guilt.

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