20. Confession destruction.

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"Bitch he fucking likes you!" Jin shouted out loud, making himself sound as convincing as possible but our stupid jimin couldn't understand that simple thing.

"He just said it! It doesn't mean he likes me!" Jimin protested, not near ready to accept that those words weren't just said simply, they carried a reason.

"Yes it does! Stop convincing yourself that it's not! He is an alpha for God's sake, so obviously he won't say it just simply. He has a reason behind saying those words to you, he meant it jimin. He likes you, please understand that. Don't try to keep your feelings away. You like him too, I can see you do. So stop and fucking confess!" Jin huffed, explaining the matter the  best he could. Understanding was Jimin's problem.

Jimin didn't have anything to say, he was too lost in his thoughts. What jin said is almost true but jimin was having problems in believing it, because he never expected this.

The things jungkook said the other day meant something else, even Jungkook's tone of voice when saying it was different, a tone jungkook has never used with anyone else.
And jungkook sounded really serious when saying that he wanted to be an option. And jimin just couldn't get those words out of his head even after two days that it happened. Jimin badly wanted to know what jungkook meant by that so he called Jin to end his unending confusion, even though his heart already knew what that meant he still wanted someone else's confirmation.

He likes me? Mr Jeon likes me? Is that even possible? I am nothing but his secretary so why will he like me? I have nothing like an ideal omega would.

"Hyung, does he really like me?" Jimin asked with eyes desperately seeking for a comforting answer, he just wanted someone to confirm that he is indeed not worth for jungkook, he wanted someone to say it to his face that he doesn't deserve someone like jungkook.

"Jimin, he does. He clearly does otherwise he won't have said that and wouldn't have done all that to just please you, he stepped out of his life and stepped in your way of life, jimin. And that's hard and you know it, still he tried just for you. He wouldn't do something like that if he doesn't feel anything about you, jimin. He does like you. And if he doesn't he hasn't said that, so don't confirm on something that doesn't have any possibility of being true. Just follow your heart." Jin said, his words heavy of meaning and logic.

Obviously jungkook wouldn't do something like that for anyone else, he did it for jimin. He did it because he wanted to be a part of Jimin's life, he did it because he liked jimin. It was obvious now.

"It's late, I should get going. Don't think much about this, just let time solve and confirm this. Don't pressure yourself. And don't be stupid. Bye, goodnight." Jin said, getting up to leave with jimin following behind him.

"Don't go and sleep with someone!" Jimin shouted as Jin got down the stairs.

"I won't!" Jin shouted back, smiling at jimin before finally leaving. Jin was a brave and strong omega so he doesn't have any problem in going out this late. After all he is the son of a karate professional.

Then again, jimin was left alone with his train of thoughts, mostly comprising thoughts of jungkook.

I should just wait.


"Come to my house at 8 PM, I want help in cleaning the art studio." Jungkook spoke, or more like demanded.

"Okay." Jimin replied shortly, writing things down on his small notepad.

Not really putting much thought into the whole cleaning thing because it was normal, jungkook always takes his help in doing such things so it's not unusual. But it isn't gonna be normal like usual.

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