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As they walked down the hall Charlie ask " mr Wonka? Why did you choose to let people into the factory? "

" so people can see the factory " willy said softly

" yeah but why now? And why only six "

Just as willy opened his mouth to answer Mike shoved Charlie making him fall

Jack quickly ran forward and caught Charlie

" you ok?" Jack asked him softly and kindly

" y-yeah... thank you jack " Charlie said with a huge blush on his face

"- type of prize is a SUR-prize " they heard willy say

" really... he shoved you just to ask about the prize " jack said with anger in his voice

" it's ok! I'm not hurt!" Charlie said quickly

" hmm ok" jack says

Veruca then runs to the front shoving Mike out of the way and says " will violet always be a blueberry?" Not sounding concerned at all

" no.. yes.. maybe? I don't know, that's what you get for chewing that awful gum allday"

" if you hate gum so much then why do you make it?" Mike asked rudely

" again you really shouldn't mumble it's really starting to bum me out " willy said

Suddenly they came to room labeled the nut room

Mr salt got all excited and asked willy if he had some sort of Machine

" no haha you're really weird " willy answered truthfully

When they opened the door Veruca squealed " SQUIRRELS "

" yeah! And they're not just any squirrels they're trained to sort the nuts! "

" daddy! I want a squirrel "

" oh boy " Cole muttered

" veruca dear, you have many marvellous pets at home " mr salt tried

" All I've got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits and two parakeets and three canaries and a green parrot and a turtle, and a silly old hamster! I WANT A SQUIRREL "

" what the actual fu-" Cole was cut off by two gloved fingers being put over his mouth

" your such a potty mouth " willy whispered extremely close to Cole's ear making shivers go down his spine

" I- uh i- uhm " Cole stammered not knowing what to do

Jack giggled at Cole

" shut up " Cole muttered

" mr wonka! How much for one of those squirrels? " mr salt asked

" huh? Oh they're not for sale, she can't have one " willy deadpanned

" DADDY!" Veruca said angrily

" I'm sorry darling, mister wonka is being unreasonable " willy said doing an amazing impression of mr salt

" fine! If you won't get me one I'll get one myself" she stomped

She then smirked and said " and you're coming with me " she said as she grabbed jack and dragged him under the gate

" WHA?!"



Mister wonka took out his keys unfortunately he hadn't labeled them

He started trying different keys

" Stop!!! VERUCA!!!" Jack begged

Veruca ignored him and looked around

"I'll have you " she said as she went to grab the squirrel

The squirrel squeaked and they all attacked her

Jack gasped and started extremely slowly backing away

" AHHHH DADDY I WANT THEM TO STOP " veruca screamed

" shut the fuck up you little bitch " Cole muttered

One of the squirrels got off Veruca while the others see if she's a bad nut and sniffed jack

It got on his shoulder and squeaked

Jack flinched expecting to be attacked but instead he saw the squirrel snuggling into him while the others throw Veruca down the garbage shoot

The others ran to Cole but didn't force him down

" what-" Cole muttered

The squirrel banged on jacks head the squeaked

" oh my he's a good nu-" willy was cut off as he watched all but one squirrel leave jack

One stayed on his shoulder

" Jack come back!" Cole said

" coming brother " Jack said as he walked up the stairs with the squirrel still happily sitting on his shoulder

" wha??? "

" mister salt you should be able to go down and pluck little Veruca out " willy said

Mr salt went down and the Oompa Loompas started singing

After mister salt was pushed down the shoot

Willy was informed that the incinerator was broken

" well that's good news " mr teavee said

" yeah! Let's keep truckin "

His little cocoa bean ( willy wonka x male OC ) Where stories live. Discover now