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Third person POV

The lift stopped abruptly

The doors opened and everyone walked out

" okay, everyone needs to put these glasses on, if not you'll burn your little eyes out haha" willy said with a giggle

Jack passed Charlie a pair of glasses while willy passed cole a pair

Once everyone had their glasses on willy giggled and said " follow me, remember keep your glasses on "

" this is the testing room, for my latest and greatest invention... Television chocolate! One day it occurred to me, Hey! If television can break up a photograph into millions and millions of tiny little pieces and send it whizzing through the air, then reassemble it on the other end, then why can't I do the same thing with chocolate? Why can't I? Send a real bar of chocolate through the television all ready to be eaten? " willy explained

As they walked through the room they walked past an Oompa Loompa watching television

" sounds impossible " Mr Teavee said

Cole rolled his eyes and thought how can someone be so unimaginative

" it is impossible " mike said
A/n thank you discount_satan  for pointing out my mistake, I really appreciate it

Willy turned around and raised an eyebrow at him then continued walking

" you don't understand anything about science, first off there's a difference between waves and particles DUH!! Second the amount of power it would take to convert energy into matter would be like nine atomic bombs!"

Willy flew round and shouted " MUMBLER!!!!"

Cole and jack burst into giggles as mike looked taken aback

" seriously! I can't understand a single word you're saying! " willy said coldly

Willy composed himself and said " okie dokie, I shall now send a bar of chocolate from one end of the room.... To the other by television!"

Cole and jack were still trying to stop their giggling

Charlie looked at jack and smiled

Jack stopped giggling instantly and blushed unfortunately for him... That sent cole into another fit of giggles

Willy smiled to himself as he heard cole giggling

He looked back and smirked at cole with a raised eyebrow

Coles's eyes widened and he stopped giggling

Willy's smile fell for a second but then reappeared

Why did he stop giggling? Willy thought to himself

Willy then said loudly " bring in the chocolate! "

About eight Oompa Loompas came in carrying a huge bar of chocolate

" woah!" jack and Charlie whispered

The Oompa Loompas put the bar onto the platform

" it's gotta be real big cuz you know how on TV  you can film a regular-sized man and he comes out looking this tall? Same basic principle!"

Willy then pressed a red button yup I know RED BUTTON! 😂 and the chocolate started floating

The chocolate was then enclosed unto the machine and a camera type thing was facing the chocolate

His little cocoa bean ( willy wonka x male OC ) Where stories live. Discover now